DEV Community

Discussion on: How is your portfolio built?

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

Been using Hugo, but debating switching to a Gatsby or Nuxt app. Tempted to do something very extreme and build the site in Elm or Purescript or something of that nature. Using a static site gen has felt very tedious and it has been hard to focus long enough to make substantial progress with my site.

iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

The first question would be do you prefer React or Vue? Gatsby and Next are tooling for React applications which create SSR or static sites. Gridsome and Nuxt are the same things, but for Vue. I've never used Hugo, but I've been using Gatsby for ~2 years and I've built a site with Gridsome. I think both provide a pretty awesome developer experience.

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

Definitely more of a Vue guy. My problem with static site generators is that they don't feel personal to me...I end up finding a cool template on GitHub or paying $20 for a theme and then I'm supposed to start publishing content. I feel dissatisfied with the site, like it really doesn't represent me or showcase anything about my skills as a developer.

It is not practical, but what I really want to do is build it all from scratch. Write parsers for Markdown and Org mode. Set up syndication to other websites, like this wonderful community, when I publish content on my side. My own comments engine that uses AI to identify low-quality messages that are likely spam and to enforce terms of use.

And it is going to be hosted on my server, which I am automating management of via Puppet. I like to go overboard with things, that's a pretty good representation of my personality. Plus, the entire experience gives me a good year's worth of blog posts detailing DevOps, Linux administration, networking, microservices, functional programming, parsers, and everything else it takes to build a site worthy of my domain name.

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iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

I built mine from scratch. I took the most basic starter and ripped everything out of it other than config.