๐ As we are working on our Open Source Project named NoMise which is being built using ReactJs, Typescript and TailwindCss. When it comes to deployment we have several options:-
- Easy Deploy using providers like Vercel or Netlify where you have to drag and drop your code repository
- Deploy your code in Docker container and run that container in a cloud server
- Setup a CI/CD (Continuos Integration, Continuos delivery) Pipeline to deploy your App
Which one you'll choose?
๐ Obviously one should go with third because of its benefits. Once you have setuped your pipeline for the deployment, you don't need to build, deploy to container and host in cloud again and again. With one click, your code will build, containerized in a docker container and deployed to cloud (AWS EC2 instance in our case).
โจ If you haven't understood, Don't worry we will go step by step.
First things first, what is jenkins, ci/cd pipeline and ec2 instance that we talked about above.
Jenkins is a tool that make our life easier with deployments and running some automated tests like to deploy manually you first need to run
then copy the build folder and containerize it and then serve it on a server. It can all be done by a set of actions that jenkins provide.
run build
ci/cd pipeline is continuos integration and continuos delivery which means code can be directly picked from a repository and after some tests run it will be deployed on the server
EC2 is nothing but a computer at the end which is provided to you as a server to which we can SSH and run our scripts, code etc.
Note:- Those who are thinking that AWS is paid, yes it is but with free tier you can explore many things.
๐ Launching AWS EC2 instances
Go to AWS and signup for your new account and add a Debit/Credit card. For safety add with minimum balance if you don't want to spend over the free limit.
Search for EC2 and launch instances
- Select Default settings and launch 3 instances because
- one we'll use to install jenkins
- second we'll install ansible server which will dockerise the build code that we'll get from the jenkins over SSH
- third instance will run a docker container that will be served to the public to access
Note:- Write three to launch 3 instances
Now, we'll add some security rules to our instances because to access these instances/servers some request or ssh will be made. So, it will not allow every request who is coming to access them.
To Add security rules, click on security group and edit inbound rules:-
- Add these rules
Note:- It is not good to allow any traffic but for testing it is okay.
- Now, It is time to ssh to your instances. But before going inside the EC2 instances, Make sure you have the key-pair (.pem file). To Download the pem file follow the below image:-
- I have saved the pem file in my ~/.ssh folder. And now to SSH into a particular instance, click on Connect and you'll get this window
Note:- Make sure you give the correct path of .pem file saved in the previous step and also you changed its access rights using chmod as shown in the picture.
- Now, similarly you can connect to all the instances using SSH.
๐ Setup Jenkins, Docker and Ansible Server
Now it is the time to setup Jenkins pipeline with Ansible server and docker server.
Note:- make sure you stop the instances when you are not doing anything (If you are using AWS Free tier)
- Let's SSH into our first instance (Jenkins). For me the command to run is ```BASH
ssh -i ~/.ssh/nomise_ec2.pem ec2-user@ec2-65-3-155-155.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com
After getting into the ec2 instance run the below commands one by one:-
sudo yum update โy
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo https://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo
sudo rpm --import https://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.io-2023.key
sudo yum upgrade
sudo amazon-linux-extras install java-openjdk11 -y
sudo dnf install java-11-amazon-corretto -y
sudo yum install jenkins -y
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
sudo systemctl status jenkins
- After that you'll get Jenkins running on your localhost. Go to your instance on AWS and find your public ipv4 address on the instance homepage and go to http://:8080 and the below screen of jenkins would appear
- Enter this command in your terminal to get the password to enter in jenkins ```BASH
sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
๐ฅณ And that's how Jenkins will be started.
That's It for today Guys, In next Part we'll see How to build Docker Container and deploy through Jenkins.
โจ For the next Blog, Follow Now
Top comments (3)
can you also post blog on Jenkins ?
Blog on Jenkins means ? What is jenkins or how it works/implemented? Please elaborate
yes extacly , what is jenkins and how it works under the hood