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JavaScript Execution Context and JS Engine Components

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog, where I’ll be documenting my journey to mastering the JavaScript language. This is the first post in what will be a series chronicling my experiences, challenges, and triumphs as I dive deep into the world of JavaScript. I hope you'll join me on this adventure, learn alongside me, and share your own insights. Enjoy the read!

Goals and Objectives in this topic:

  • Understand the concept of Execution Context (EC)and it’s phases
    • Creation Phase
    • Execution Phase
  • Understanding how Function behave’s in (EC)
    • Creation
    • Definition
    • Execution
  • Understand the following Engine Components
    • Clean Up
    • Call Stack
    • Heap
    • Built-in Functions and Objects
    • Type Information

Understanding the concept of Execution Context (EC) and it’s Phase

To help us visualize how the EC works and its phases here’s a simple code for demonstration.

var age = 12;


function logAge(ageArg) {
  console.log(`log AGE is ${ageArg}`);

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When the JavaScript Engine Starts Running the Code, it creates a global Execution Context. This context is divided in to two parts Creation Phase and Execution Phase.

1. Global Execution Context (Creation Phase):

Memory Allocation: Space is reserved in the Heap (unstructured storage) for the variable age.

Initialization: The variable ageis initialized with the value undefined(default for var variables in JavaScript).

In JavaScript with var variables, initialization with the actual value happens during the execution phase when the line with the assignment is encountered. The creation phase only allocates memory and assigns undefinedby default.

Reference Creation: A reference is created in the global scope pointing to the memory location of age in the Heap. This allows you to access age using its name throughout the global scope.

Function Definition (not Creation): The function logAgeis defined and stored in memory. This includes its code and argument (ageArg). However, the function itself isn't executed yet.

2. Global Execution Context (Execution Phase):

Variable Assignment: The line age = 12; is encountered. The value 12 is assigned to the previously allocated memory location for age.

Console Output: The line console.log(age); is executed. The value of age (which is now 12) is retrieved from the Heap using the reference in the global scope and printed to the console.

Function Call: The line logAge(age); is reached. This triggers the creation of a separate execution context for the logAgefunction.

Each function call creates a new execution context to manage the function's execution environment, including its scope, arguments, and call stack frame.

3.Function Execution Context for logAge (Creation Phase):

Note: This phase happens only when logAge is called.

Memory Allocation: If logAgehas any arguments (like ageArg in this case), memory is allocated for them in the Heap within this context.

Local Variable Initialization (if any): Any variables declared within the logAgefunction are initialized, usually with undefined.

4. Function Execution Context for logAge(Execution Phase):

Argument Passing: The value of age (which is 12 from the global context) is passed as an argument to the logAgefunction and assigned to the ageArgparameter within the function's execution context.

Function Body Execution: The code within the logAge functionis executed. In this case, it uses template literals to construct a string and then logs it using console.log.

Overall Sequence:

  1. Global Execution Context (Creation Phase)
  2. Global Execution Context (Execution Phase) - including variable assignment, console output, and function call
  3. Function Execution Context for logAge (Creation Phase) - only when the function is called
  4. Function Execution Context for logAge (Execution Phase) - function body execution

Cleaning Up: The JavaScript engine employs a garbage collector to manage memory. Once the function execution context for logAge is complete and there are no more references to the function arguments or local variables, the memory used by them in the Heap becomes available for garbage collection.

Call Stack:

  • The call stack keeps track of the currently executing function and its arguments.
  • In this code, the call stack would have:
    • logAge function call when it's executed.
    • The global execution context when the script starts running.


  • The Heap stores the values of variables and function arguments during execution.
  • In this code, the Heap would store:
    • The value 12 for the variable age.
    • The value 12 passed as an argument to the logAge function (stored in the ageArg memory location).

Built-in Functions and Objects:

  • The code uses built-in functions like console.log. These functions are predefined and readily available for use.

Type Information:
JavaScript is loosely typed, so the engine doesn't explicitly store type information for variables. In this case, both age and ageArg would hold the numeric value 12.


By understanding the JavaScript Execution Context and its components, you've gained valuable insight into how your code is processed and executed. We've explored the creation and execution phases of the global execution context, as well as the creation and execution phases that occur within function calls. This knowledge helps you write more efficient and predictable JavaScript code.

Thanks for reading 😁😁😁😁

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