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Discovering the Magic of CSS and HTML

I am thrilled to share that I have recently embarked on a journey of learning CSS and HTML. As someone who has always been passionate about the beauty things and design.

As I have started to explore the intricacies of CSS and HTML, I have been struck by the sheer power and versatility of these technologies.

CSS, for example, allows you to completely transform the visual appearance of a web page with just a few lines of code. You can adjust everything from the layout and positioning of elements to the fonts, colors, and animation effects used to bring the page to life.

HTML, on the other hand, is the backbone of every web page. It provides the structure and content that is then styled and formatted by CSS.

One of the most gratifying aspects of learning CSS and HTML is the immediate feedback you get from the browser. it's possibilities are endless, and the sense of accomplishment when you finally get your page looking just right is truly addictive.

Of course, learning any new skill takes time and effort.
There are times when I feel frustrated by the complexity that the code means to me, because I've never code before. But I am determined to persevere, cause I know that the rewards of mastering CSS and HTML will be worth it.

In conclusion, I am excited to be on this journey of discovery and growth as I learn CSS and HTML. It IS a challenging and rewarding endeavor that I believe will make a difference both personally and professionally

This is my first project:

Thanks for reading :D

Top comments (5)

gilfewster profile image
Gil Fewster

Congratulations, and welcome to the wonderful world of programming!

Learning to code is a lot of fun, and can be very rewarding. It can also be very challenging and, at times, downright frustrating. Some days you’ll feel like it’s all just magically falling into place, and some days it will feel impossible and incomprehensible — believe me, after 20 years I still have plenty of days like the latter!

Celebrate your successes, acknowledge each new step forward, and enjoy the process.

srhiulli profile image

It's really a combination of rewarding, challenging, and frustrating! But for that reason, personal victory is immense.

thatcomputerguy profile image
Griff Polk

Nice! I learned HTML as my first language, and I love it now. I think you will too. Welcome!

thatcomputerguy profile image
Griff Polk

Wow that was a fast reply

baasmurdo profile image

Awesome ! The form seems like a very original concept ! Looks good !