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Discussion on: Sprints/retros are not "agile"

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squidbe • Edited

I'd say Agile is a state of mind -- I'd rather avoid any religious implications because that's a big part of the problem with how some companies practice Agile: they adhere to a set of rituals without really understanding the rituals' intent, and they think they have to religiously stick with those rituals because the rituals themselves are the key to success.

The Agile manifesto is very short/simple. The great irony has been that one of the manifesto principles -- "people over process/tools" -- has been completely flipped. Now, some companies think that the process (which usually includes at least one tool like Rally/Jira/Aha/etc.) is the thing, and you better follow that process or else. They think the process is a (magical) formula which will help you beat the competition.

Sadly, they don't see that teams should be constantly challenging the process/formula to ensure that it serves its intended purpose: deliver value as quickly as possible.

Agile has been the object of a lot of hate in the last few years, but that's really because of misguided people who think imposing some set of practices is the way to achieve the intended results of Agile. Frankly, those people are often managers who are insecure about having a truly empowered, self-organized team. Those managers wonder, "Why am I here? Am I deemed necessary? Do I have job security if I'm not... ya know... managing?" They aren't comfortable with truly extending trust. Yet, without trust, there's really no point in even pretending to believe in Agile principles.