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5 technology trends for 2024 that you should know

5 technology trends for 2024 that you should know

The IT revolution is constantly evolving and to always be at the forefront it is essential to explore the technology trends that will shape what is to come.

2023 has been a year marked by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in various sectors. Many companies began to use this resource to optimize organizational processes and, in fact, some reports indicate that 35% of companies are already implementing it.

Do you want to know what are the software development solutions trends for 2024 that you cannot leave aside in your work agenda? At Asap Consulting we identify the most important ones and we tell you about them in this article.

Technology trends: why is it important to take them into account?
Every year key innovations appear to apply in companies. What makes the inclusion of technological trends in organizations possible? We'll tell you then.

Knowledge update
Competitive advantage
More innovation opportunities
Improvement of everyday life
Global connection
Professional development

Updating knowledge: Technology advances rapidly, and being aware of trends allows you to maintain up-to-date knowledge and skills. This is essential in a world where technological obsolescence is a constant concern.

Competitive advantage: For companies, following technological trends can be a significant variable. Adopting innovative custom business software development can help improve efficiency, productivity and quality of products or services, which in turn can attract more customers and increase revenue.

More opportunities for innovation: This serves to identify areas where you can develop new solutions, products or services that meet market needs.

Improving everyday life: Technology often has a direct impact on people's daily lives. Its inclusion allows you to take advantage of the tools and services that can make life more convenient, safe and efficient, both at work and at a personal level.

Global connection: In turn, being aware of the news makes it possible to be connected with people around the world, access information and resources more efficiently and participate in the global economy.

Professional development: It can help you identify career opportunities, acquire new skills and maintain a relevant profile in the labor market. There is a lot of IT talent in the world and that is why adding new knowledge is essential to always remain current.

Problem Solving: Lastly, custom enterprise software development provides innovative tools and approaches to solve complex problems in various fields, such as Human Resources , software development , and more. Staying on top of technology trends allows you to address challenges more effectively.

5 key technology trends for 2024
To always be one step ahead of the news, we mention which are the topics that will most occupy the agenda in the IT world in 2024.
Data management in large volumes
By 2024, managing data in large quantities remains a challenge and, at the same time, an opportunity for improvement.

The constant increase in information in the digital age requires more advanced solutions when it comes to data storage and analysis. And indeed, emerging technologies such as quantum computing and edge computing play a critical role in redefining the way organizations store and access massive volumes of data.

Quantum computing, for example, promises huge processing power, meaning that the most complex data problems can be solved in record time.

Simultaneously, edge computing enables faster and more efficient information processing by bringing computing power closer to the data source. This is essential in real-time applications, such as the Internet of Things (IoT).

And there is more. Did you know that augmented intelligence exists? It is a methodology that combines technology with human expert knowledge. To do this, the intervention of people and their knowledge is necessary, such as analytical skills and competence in data management to take advantage of what technology offers, which is information.

Training and continuing education
Both are essential resources for staying up to date with the latest technologies and trends. 2024 promises to deliver significant advances in online education and adaptive learning platforms.

Meanwhile, training allows people to acquire new skills and knowledge at their own pace and adapted to their individual needs.

Additionally, companies are recognizing the importance of investing in the professional development of their employees. By encouraging continuous training among their staff they benefit from more competent teams and greater adaptability to changing market demands.

Therefore, offering in-company training is a great resource to keep employees interested in being part of a company, avoid massive rotation and always have highly qualified personnel, whether in junior teams or with extensive experience.

Multidisciplinary teams
Why limit yourself to working in a “closed” way when you can achieve joint and effective work in several areas at the same time?

Thanks to collaboration, many teams are now multidisciplinary and this is one of the trends in software product development services that will continue to grow in 2024.

Diversity of talent drives creativity and complex problem solving . Rather than being restricted to the perspectives of a single discipline, these teams bring together experts with different backgrounds , often resulting in stronger, more effective solutions to complex problems.

In this sense, technology is multidisciplinary, since to carry out projects it is sometimes necessary to have the convergence of branches such as computer science, engineering, design and psychology. Teams made up of professionals from different areas are an effective response to the increasing complexity of projects and the changing demands of clients and users.

Furthermore, incorporation can be direct or through outsourcing , one of the labor resources that has been growing, especially in the IT world.

Democratization of generative AI
By 2026, Gartner predicts that more than 80% of companies will have used APIs and GenAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence) models and/or deployed enabled applications in production environments, up from less than 5% in early 2023.

In this sense, the democratization of generative artificial intelligence continues to advance and is expected to be a great revolution both in the present and in the future because it is now accessible to everyone.

What do we mean by this? that generative AI models can be used not only by professionals, but by an undetermined group of people who want to explore their creativity even further.

Meanwhile, according to a global survey by McKinsey, 40% of respondents said that their organizations will increase investment in artificial intelligence in general due to advances in generative AI.

Trust, risk and security management
Currently, both companies and individuals are faced with challenges in the field of cybersecurity , data protection and trust in the digital environment.

Cyber threats and vulnerability gaps are persistent concerns and to counteract these risks, many companies are betting on advanced cybersecurity strategies and the training of their staff , adopting a preventive approach to digital threats.

Therefore, in a world where data privacy and information integrity are essential, trust management becomes crucial. Organizations must ensure the trustworthiness of their customers and users in the security of their data and systems, which demands a proactive approach to risk management and information security.

According to Gartner predictions, by 2026, companies that implement TRiSM AI controls are expected to increase the accuracy of their decisions by eliminating up to 80% of faulty and illegitimate information.

Technology, a great ally to improve business productivity
Trends do not fail and every year we usually see the birth of new concepts or the reformulation of some already implemented to strengthen business management and promote professional development of the workforce.

Is your company prepared to face the challenges that 2024 poses? If you want to take your technology business further, contact us !

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