DEV Community

Alan Medina
Alan Medina

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Using your Gmail Account With Your Domain For Free

If you want to use your own domain with an e-mail provider, you have multiple options. There are free ones like Zoho Mail, which is my preferred, and paid ones like Office 365 or Google Business.

Gmail is perhaps the best option because is reliable, flexible, and used by millions of people every day. The "problem" is that you have to spend $6 USD/month to get this service.

Using ImprovMX

The other day I stumbled upon a service called ImprovMX. It allows you to create e-mail aliases, forward the messages to your Gmail account and you can even add your custom e-mail address to GMail and send e-mails just as if you had a paid.

The setup is really simple since you just have to add a couple of records to your domain. They have a guides section where you can learn to set up the service.

They have a free tier, which is more than enough for most people, and a premium tier that starts at $9 USD/mo.

I set ImproMX on my own site and it has been working great. You can create multiple aliases or even a catch-all account: if you use Gmail tags to sort your messages, you won't have any problems managing multiple accounts.

In my case, I set up different signatures for my e-mail accounts and now I can send messages with different accounts inside the same window, with the same UI that I'm already familiar with.

If you don't need the full power of a Google Business account, or simply don't want to pay to have your e-mail managed, this is a very good solution.

Top comments (1)

djnitehawk profile image

thanks for this. it's surely gonna come in handy.