DEV Community

Sourav Bandyopadhyay
Sourav Bandyopadhyay

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Building a Dashboard with Chakra UI and ReactJS

Are you looking to build a dashboard for your web application but don't know where to start? Look no further than Chakra UI and ReactJS! In this post, I'll walk you through the steps I took to create a dashboard using these two powerful tools.

First, let's talk about Chakra UI. Chakra UI is a simple and modular UI component library for React that makes it easy to build responsive and accessible user interfaces. It comes with a variety of pre-built components, such as buttons, forms, and cards, which can be easily customized to fit your specific needs.

Now, let's dive into the dashboard itself. To start, I created a new ReactJS project and installed Chakra UI. From there, I created a layout using Chakra UI's Box component and began adding in other components, such as a graph and progress bars.

To add some interactivity to the dashboard, I used ChartJS and react-gauge packages to manage temperature, wind-speed and handle user interactions.

If you're interested in seeing the full code for this dashboard, you can check out my GitHub repository. I hope this post has been helpful and inspires you to build your own dashboard using Chakra UI and ReactJS!

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