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Discussion on: Tips for writing great Svelte tests

sonicoder profile image
Gábor Soós

Hi, thanks for the great tutorials on Svelte!

Yesterday I've also started playing with the framework, but I've stuck with component testing.
My problem is how to test dispatched events from a Svelte component? I haven't found any example for it.

d_ir profile image
Daniel Irvine 🏳️‍🌈

Hey Gábor,

You can do it by using component.$on:

  it('should notify about delete button', async () => {
    const todo = { id: 'e2bb892a-844a-47fb-a2b3-47f491af9d88', name: 'Demo', completed: false };

    const { component, getByTestId, container } = render(Item, { todo });

    let wasCalled = false;
    component.$on("remove", ()=> { wasCalled = true; });'todo-remove'));


Whether or not you’d want to do this is another question. Svelte gives you a lot of rope... dispatch is an example of that. That fact that testing is hard is a sign that there may be a better approach with the design.

(Note--a better approach with the design, not a better approach with testing. An important difference!)

The question in my mind is does Item need to know that it exists within a List? It feels like List and Item can’t exist without one another, and each has a lot of knowledge about the other one. Is there a way to reduce the coupling? For example --- can remove functionality be moved entirely to List somehow?

You could also use stores to introduce shared state between the two, and remove the need for dispatch entirely.

Let me know your thoughts :)

sonicoder profile image
Gábor Soós

Thanks for the example, I'll try it out tomorrow.

In my opinion events (or function props) and props mean loose coupling as they only know each others interface and shared state is a strong coupling. Why do you think they know about each other? Yes, they know each other's interface, but it's necessary to communicate.

With other frameworks (Vue, Angular, React) I've found it easy to test events or function props, what I was missing is the $on method.

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d_ir profile image
Daniel Irvine 🏳️‍🌈

Item knows about a remove operation, which means it "knows" that it exists in some kind of container (List or otherwise).

Not saying I know of a better solution or that I wouldn’t write it that way myself... just that I’m a little wary of dispatch and I’d keep my eyes open for opportunities to design it differently.

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d_ir profile image
Daniel Irvine 🏳️‍🌈

Another point: unless I’m mistaken, $on is part of the internal Svelte API so if you use it, you have to be prepared to figure out a new solution if/when the maintainers break this one 🤣

sonicoder profile image
Gábor Soós • Edited

I've tried it out, works like a charm!

One more question: is it possible to test a component with getContext without a wrapper component?

Here is an example:

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d_ir profile image
Daniel Irvine 🏳️‍🌈

Glad to hear it worked! 🎉

Not sure about getContext. I vaguely recall looking into it and figuring out that getContext expects to be called as part of a render cycle of a component tree, which you can’t easily fake.

If you’re comfortable with relying on internal APIs like $on then one thing you could do is use the tutorial view for context ( Choose JS output and explore the JS code that Svelte products for your component. Dig through to learn how setContext and getContext work. It might give you a solution. Failing that, use the Svelte source on GitHub. Let me know if you figure something out--I’d be interested to know.