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Anand Soni
Anand Soni

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Understanding the Decimal Datatype in MySQL

Image descriptionThe Decimal datatype in MySQL is essential for finance-related projects, where precision in numeric values is crucial. Recently, I encountered an issue while working with this datatype in one of my Ruby on Rails projects. Let me share my experience and what I learned.

The Challenge: Out-of-Range Value Error

During my project, I defined a Decimal field in a migration file and faced the following error:

Out of range value for column 'db_field' at row 1
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This error happened because I tried to insert a value that exceeded the defined range. Here’s the snippet from my migration file:

t.decimal :rate, precision: 3, scale: 3, default: 0.0
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This definition corresponds to, meaning the rate column can store values between -0.999 and 0.999. Notice the scale of 3, indicating there are always 3 digits after the decimal point.

Breaking Down Precision and Scale

In MySQL, the Decimal datatype is defined as Decimal(P,S), where:

  • P (Precision): Total number of digits.
  • S (Scale): Number of digits after the decimal point.

How to Determine Precision and Scale

To decide the appropriate precision and scale, use this simple formula:

Precision - Scale = Maximum digits before the decimal point
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If you need to store values like 12.345:

  • You want 2 digits before the decimal point and 3 digits after.
  • Total digits (Precision) is 5.
  • Therefore, the definition will be Decimal(5,3).

Real-World Application

Here’s an example from my project:

t.decimal :rate, precision: 5, scale: 2, default: 0.0
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In this case, I needed to store values up to 999.99. Hence, Decimal(5,2) allowed me to have 3 digits before the decimal point and 2 digits after.

Further Reading

For more detailed information, check out the MySQL Documentation on Decimal Datatype. It’s a great resource for understanding how to work with Decimal and other numeric types.


ing the Decimal datatype in MySQL is vital for accurately handling numeric data in your applications. By setting the correct precision and scale, you can avoid common errors and ensure data integrity. I hope this explanation helps you in your projects!

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