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Mitali Shah for SoluteLabs

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12 Important SaaS Metrics Every SaaS Product Owner Must Know!

Running a SaaS (Software as a Service) business can be exciting. But it can also be a little confusing with all the different numbers and terms you need to understand. These numbers, or 'metrics', help us know how well our business is doing. If you want your business to do well, you need to know what these metrics mean. That's why we've written this blog post on The Key SaaS Metrics You Must Know!" It will guide you through the important SaaS metrics and help you understand each of them better.

The metrics we talk about are things like 'churn rates', 'MRR' (Monthly Recurring Revenue), and 'CAC' (Customer Acquisition Cost). These might sound difficult, but don't worry! We'll explain everything in a simple way. We'll tell you what these metrics mean, why they're important for your business, and how you can use them to help your business grow. So, are you ready to learn more about your SaaS business and how to make it even better? Let's get started!

What is SaaS Metrics?

SaaS metrics are critical numerical values or KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that SaaS (Software as a Service) businesses use to measure performance and track growth. They provide quantifiable insights into customer behavior, revenue generation, operational efficiency, and overall business health. Given the subscription-based nature of the SaaS model, these metrics are pivotal in steering a business effectively.

Metrics like Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), Churn Rate, Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), and Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) offer insight into predictable revenue, customer retention, and profitability. Others like Activation Rate, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and Revenue Retention help understand customer behavior and improve product offerings. By tracking these metrics, businesses gain the data-driven insights necessary for informed decision-making, growth forecasting, and ensuring financial health, making them an integral part of any successful SaaS strategy.

SaaS Mertics

12 Key SaaS Metrics To Track Business Growth

1. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

One of the most essential SaaS metrics is Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR). MRR is the amount of predictable revenue that a company can expect to earn every month. It's a cornerstone of the SaaS revenue model, as it enables the business to estimate its future revenues and budget accordingly. The calculation is quite simple - just multiply the total number of paying users by the average revenue per user. In the context of B2B SaaS metrics, MRR provides a clear picture of the monthly revenue trajectory and can offer insights into product adoption or usage patterns.

Many businesses consider MRR one of the key SaaS metrics because it helps evaluate the company's growth and stability. It's also valuable for understanding how well the company is retaining its customers. A consistent or growing MRR indicates a healthy business model, whereas a fluctuating or declining MRR could indicate problems with customer satisfaction or product fit. Hence, it's one of the SaaS metrics that matter in strategic decision-making.

2️. Total Contract Value (TCV)

The Total Contract Value (TCV) is another critical SaaS business metric. TCV refers to the total monetary value of a particular customer contract, including all recurring and non-recurring revenues. To calculate TCV, sum up all the recurring revenues over the contract's lifetime, plus any one-time charges or fees. TCV is often used in conjunction with MRR to get a fuller picture of the company's revenue situation.

TCV is one of the important SaaS metrics for assessing the value of contracts, especially in enterprise SaaS metrics where contracts can span several years. It provides a holistic view of the customer's financial contribution, making it a significant metric for revenue projections and financial planning. However, companies need to be careful while interpreting TCV because it can inflate the perceived value of a contract if it includes substantial non-recurring revenues or upfront payments.

3. Activation Rate

Activation Rate is one of the pivotal SaaS product metrics as it measures the percentage of users who achieve a specific milestone that provides them value, thus becoming 'activated'. This milestone varies across businesses but could include actions like sending an email in an email marketing tool, creating a project in a project management tool, or adding a contact in a CRM. The calculation involves dividing the number of users who reach the milestone by the total number of users and multiplying the result by 100 to get the percentage.

In the realm of SaaS metrics, the Activation Rate is crucial because it acts as a predictor of user engagement and retention. It's a key metric among other SaaS KPIs as it helps to understand how well the product resonates with the users after they've signed up. If the activation rate is low, it could indicate that users are facing issues understanding or finding value in your product. Hence, it's an important aspect of B2B SaaS metrics to optimize the onboarding experience and improve product adoption.

4. Churn Rates

Churn Rates are critical SaaS growth metrics that measure the percentage of customers or revenue that leaves your company in a given period. Customer Churn Rate is calculated by dividing the number of customers lost during a period by the number of customers at the start of that period. Similarly, Revenue Churn Rate (also known as MRR Churn Rate) is computed by dividing the lost MRR by the MRR at the beginning of the period.

Churn is one of the KPIs for SaaS companies that reflects customer dissatisfaction, and it's detrimental to growth. High churn rates can indicate problems with the product, customer service, or pricing strategy. Understanding and reducing churn is essential for the survival of any SaaS business. It's one of the SaaS metrics that matter most because it's always cheaper to retain existing customers than acquire new ones.

5. Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) is a SaaS business metric that projects the recurring revenue a company can expect over a year. It's similar to MRR but takes into account yearly subscriptions, which are common in B2B SaaS metrics. ARR is calculated by adding up the annual contract value of all customers.

ARR is a key SaaS metric that helps to understand the company's growth rate and its ability to generate stable revenue. It's particularly significant in enterprise SaaS metrics where customers often commit to annual or multi-year contracts. ARR can provide a broader perspective of recurring revenue than MRR, especially when contracts have variable lengths or are heavily weighted towards yearly subscriptions.

6. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a SaaS growth metric that quantifies the average expenditure a company incurs to secure a new customer. It includes costs like marketing and sales expenses. To calculate CAC, divide the total amount spent on acquiring customers by the number of customers acquired during a specific period.

CAC is an essential part of SaaS metrics because it determines the profitability and scalability of the business. One of the important SaaS metrics to keep an eye on is the ratio of the lifetime value of a customer (LTV) to CAC. If LTV is significantly higher than CAC, the company has a healthy business model. If CAC starts to approach or exceed LTV, the company might be spending too much to acquire customers.

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7. Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA)

Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA), also known as Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), is a key SaaS metric that measures the average revenue generated from each account (or user) in a specific time period, usually calculated monthly or annually. To calculate ARPA, divide the total revenue in a period by the number of customers during the same period.

ARPA is an important SaaS metric because it helps businesses understand their revenue growth relative to their customer base's growth. If the ARPA is increasing, it means that revenue is growing faster than the number of customers, which is a good sign. It can help SaaS businesses to understand their pricing strategy better and find ways to upsell or cross-sell to existing customers.

8. Active Users

Active users is a SaaS product metric that measures the number of unique users who have interacted with your product or service within a given time period. The definition of an 'active' user can vary depending on the product, but it typically refers to users who have logged in, used key features, or performed significant actions.

This is one of the vital SaaS metrics as it's a direct reflection of your product's engagement level. A growing number of active users indicates that your product is attracting and retaining users. However, if the number of active users is stagnating or declining, it could signify issues with product-market fit, user experience, or customer satisfaction.

9. Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) is a critical SaaS revenue model metric that assesses the total revenue a business can reasonably anticipate from a single customer account over their entire engagement period. LTV is calculated by multiplying the customer's average purchase value by the average number of purchases in a year and then by the average customer lifespan (in years).

LTV is a crucial SaaS metric that helps businesses understand the value of their customers over the long term. By comparing LTV to CAC, businesses can determine whether their investment in customer acquisition is worthwhile. If the LTV is significantly higher than the CAC, it's a good sign that the business is healthy and profitable.

10. Actual Contract Value (ACV)

Actual Contract Value (ACV) is a B2B SaaS metric that calculates the average yearly contract value for your customers, excluding any one-time fees or charges. This is different from TCV as it only takes into account recurring revenue. To calculate ACV, divide the total value of contracts by the number of contracts, excluding any one-time charges.

ACV is one of the important SaaS metrics as it helps to understand the size and value of your contracts. A higher ACV often indicates larger customers and longer contract lengths, both of which are usually beneficial for the SaaS business's stability and growth. In terms of enterprise SaaS metrics, it's particularly useful for forecasting and financial planning.

11. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a crucial SaaS metric that gauges customer loyalty and satisfaction. Customers are asked how likely they are to recommend the company or product on a scale of 0 to 10. After collecting responses, participants are categorized as Detractors (0-6), Passives (7-8), or Promoters (9-10). The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is determined by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

NPS is a key metric for SaaS companies because it provides direct feedback about the customer's experience. A high NPS indicates satisfied customers who are likely to bring in referrals, whereas a low NPS can be a warning sign of potential problems with the product or service. It's a powerful tool for measuring customer sentiment and making necessary adjustments to improve customer satisfaction.

12. Revenue Retention

Revenue Retention is a key SaaS metric that measures the recurring revenue from existing customers over a given period, not including revenue from new customers. There are two types of revenue retention: net and gross. Gross Revenue Retention is calculated by dividing the MRR at the end of a period (minus any upsells or expansion) by the MRR at the start of the period. Net Revenue Retention also includes upsell and expansion revenue in the ending MRR.

Revenue Retention is an important SaaS metric as it provides insight into the company's ability to retain and grow revenue from its existing customer base. High retention rates mean that the business is doing a good job of keeping customers and possibly expanding its services within those accounts. In contrast, low retention rates can signify problems with the product or customer service, indicating areas that need attention and improvement.

Also, Read: Software Quality Metrics and KPIs: Choose the Right Metrics​


Understanding and tracking the important SaaS metrics are crucial for SaaS product owners. These metrics give valuable insights into how well their business is doing and help make better decisions. The 12 metrics covered in this blog, like Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Customer Churn Rate, and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), play a big role in the success and growth of SaaS businesses. By keeping an eye on these metrics, product owners can improve customer satisfaction, boost revenue, and ensure their SaaS venture thrives in a competitive market.

When it comes to excelling in the SaaS world, SoluteLabs is the go-to partner. With our experienced team and deep knowledge of SaaS, we can help SaaS product owners take their business to new heights. SoluteLabs offers tailored solutions, using the latest technologies, to address each business's unique needs. By working with SoluteLabs, product owners can make smarter decisions, reduce customer churn, and unlock new growth opportunities.

Contact us today and let SoluteLabs be your trusted partner in propelling your SaaS business to greater success! Together, we can harness the power of SaaS metrics and innovative solutions to achieve your business goals and stay ahead of the competition.

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