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10+ things I always setup in git when I prepare a new environment

When you buy a car or a bicycle, you first adjust the seat position and saddle height to suit your body size. It is the same with git configuration.

In this article, I will share the git setup I use all the time.

User name & Mail address

git config --global "<name>" && \
git config --global "<email>"
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  • Replace <name> with my name and <email> with my mail address.

Alias for existing command

git config --global checkout
git config --global status
git config --global branch
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Global ignore setting

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
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  • This allows you to put your own specific ignore settings in ~/.gitignore_global in addition to the .gitignore for each project, which will be applied to all git operations across all projects.

Push only the branch you are now working on

git config --global push.default simple
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Make --rebase the default behavior during git pull

git config --global pull.rebase true
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  • This prevents unintentional creation of a merge commit if the branch being pulled has been modified locally.

Make --prune the default behavior during git fetch

git config --global fetch.prune true
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  • This will remove local branches that were deleted remotely when git fetch or git pull was performed.

Set the width of indentation for tab characters

git config --global core.pager 'less -x4'
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  • In this example, the pager (less command) option specifies tab indent width as 4

Use nvim as the editor to be used when committing

git config --global core.editor 'nvim'
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  • I use several different text editors for different purposes, but I prefer to use nvim with git commit.

Do not fast-forward when merging

git config --global --add merge.ff false
git config --global --add pull.ff only
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  • Fast-forward merging makes it difficult to follow the history of work on a branch. Therefore, avoid unintentional fast-forwards when merging.
  • However, fast-forwarding is not a problem for git pull cases in most cases 1, so we enforce fast-forwarding in the case of pulls.
  • See also: gitのmerge --no-ff のススメ - Qiita

Output line numbers in the result of git grep

git config --global grep.lineNumber true
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Visualize differences in whitespace (including newline codes)

git config diff.wsErrorHighlight all
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EDIT: 2022-07-31


As mentioned in the comments, these are stored in .gitconfig. And I have added these settings to the dotfiles repository.

Thanks to all who commented.

See also

  1. In my experience, this happens when you are temporarily changing code while reviewing a PullRequest created by someone else in your local environment. In that case, fast-forward is better because local changes are gathered at the top of the history, making it easier to work with when you finally undo the changes. 

Latest comments (30)

francoislp profile image

Hey :) Great post, thanks for sharing!

How would you deal with 2 git emails on the same laptop?
one for github (perso) and one for work (pro)

The best would be to default to the email perso (and the associated GPG key), and when working from ~/Projects, always use the work email
Not sure if it is feasible ^^

snaka profile image

Perhaps you can.
I wrote an article about it, please check it out.

dominik90 profile image
Dominik Bartsch

Great tips, thank you!

ravavyr profile image

Neat...I install github desktop and click buttons.

Good article, it has its uses if you must use command line :)

tallesl profile image
Talles L

Nice tips!

However I was surprised to see "Do not fast-forward when merging" with the reason of making it "difficult to follow the history".

My personal experience is the exact opposite, having multiple automatic "Merge branch..." commits makes the commit history incredibly polluted.

snaka profile image

I understand your surprise, as I have seen several different organizations managing branches with different policies.

There isn't enough in this comment section to discuss that, so I will post a separate entry after I get more thoughts on it.

wjplatformer profile image
Wj • Edited

git --checkout -b 'this post' 🔖✅

snaka profile image

Your dotfile is also helpful. Thanks for sharing ✨

officialismailshah profile image
ismail shah

Great tips will gonna use in my next project.....

anasrin profile image

The essential thing for me was add gpg sign and signing key

buddhadebchhetri profile image
Buddhadeb Chhetri

Thanks for the tips this is really helpful.

suckup_de profile image
Lars Moelleken

To setup my environment for Linux or Windows I usually use my dotfiles :

snaka profile image
Shinji NAKAMATSU • Edited

Thanks for the link to your dotfiles! It is very helpful. 👍

suckup_de profile image
Lars Moelleken

Good if you find something useful there. 😊

piyushnags profile image

I read that git push isn't supported fromthe CLI due to security reasons. Is there a nice way to get around that (other than using Github Desktop)?

snaka profile image
Shinji NAKAMATSU • Edited

Sorry, I didn't catch what you meant by "git push isn't supported formthe CLI due to security reasons".
Could you please add what you mean by that?

piyushnags profile image
Piyush • Edited

Yep my bad, I wasn't clear enough and I also realized I didn't read the documentation properly :(. I was trying to push some changes to my repo through the terminal. However, I was trying to push via HTTPS. According to GitHub, it no longer supports authenticating through HTTPS for the CLI (I had mistakenly assumed that pushing from CLI in all cases was no longer supported, which is pretty silly in hindsight). After I switched to SSH as suggested by Nathan (from the below response), it works just fine. Side note: great tips now that I can use CLI again!

Edit: If you're curious, you get a 'fatal authentication' error if you try to push via HTTPS. Apparently, they stopped this since August 2021.

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snaka profile image

Ah, it was clear to me what you said.
I'm pleased that your problem was resolved as a result.

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jasperhorn profile image
JasperHorn • Edited

git push, from the command line, to GitHub, over https does work. It's just that you don't use your password to login. Instead, you use a token, which you first need to generate in your settings somewhere.

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snaka profile image
Shinji NAKAMATSU • Edited

Thank you for the additional information.
As you mentioned, it is possible to push via HTTPS with the git command by using a Personal access token (PAT).

Here is a link to the GitHub documentation for reference.

nstvnsn profile image
Nathan Stevenson • Edited

I use git push from the CLI all the time. I think you may have read that where it talks about setting up ssh keys.

If you are using your IDE or the Desktop UI for git, you are likely signed in to your github account through them. No issues.

With CLI, you need to set up SSH for authenticating your pushes from the CLI:

piyushnags profile image

Thank you, after switching to SSH it works just fine

Thread Thread
nstvnsn profile image
Nathan Stevenson

No problem! Glad you got it working.

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Some great suggestions in this list that I never thought about before, especially the global ignore outside of a project.
Thanks for sharing.

devsimc profile image
Simc Dev

You also need to take care about this mistakes.

snaka profile image

Thanks for the link to a helpful article 👍

joolsmcfly profile image
Julien Dephix

Do you always use cli commands or do you sometimes commit/push/pull/delete branches from your IDE?

snaka profile image
Shinji NAKAMATSU • Edited

I use tig and git CLI depends on the situation.

I often use tig to see logs and diffs, or commands with a specific commit ID, such as git cherry-pick <commit-id> or git rebase -i <commit-id>.

On the other hand, I use the git CLI for risky commands such as git reset, and for tasks that are faster with shell completion such as git checkout <branch-name>.

joolsmcfly profile image
Julien Dephix

I see. I’ll check tig later out of curiosity!

I prefer using my IDE for most commands (I make sure to know what’s going on behind the scenes though) as I find faster (Ctrl+K to open commit window, type message, Ctrl+Shift+K to commit and push).

tdwright profile image
Tom Wright

Great tips. Feels like this could be the start of a script. In fact, I can imagine an open source CLI tool for setting up Git just right on new environments, perhaps using a user-specific config file stored online...