DEV Community

Salvador Montiel
Salvador Montiel

Posted on

What's your favorite GNU/Linux distro?

If you have installed a GNU/Linux distro, what is it? If not, tell me what is your favorite distro.

What desktop you have?
What theme do you installed?
Show me a screenshot!

Latest comments (7)

msoedov profile image
Alex Miasoiedov • Edited

Ubuntu/Fedora + custom Gnome settings and colors setup from r/unixporn

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

I run Arch with i3-gaps and polybar. The configuration and themes are all custom (that + the rolling release model are why I picked Arch) but I'm less interested in making everything look great than I am in making it look decent, work well with a keyboard as primary input device, and surface the information I need. You can check out my dotfiles on GitHub for the specifics.

Arch is great, and the Arch Wiki is one of the best documentation repositories I know of, but it's tough to recommend unless you're already familiar with Linux and want a project system.

screenshot of Arch Linux with i3-gaps, polybar, the Vivaldi browser, and neovim

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Ubuntu MATE (presently 17.10) is my favorite by far. I'm using the Obsidian GTK theme (love the blackout themes!) and Revival icons.


smontiel profile image
Salvador Montiel

Looks nice!

orkon profile image
Alex Rudenko

I am using Ubuntu since 2008/2009 or so. I have tried Arch & Mint for some relatively long time and some other distributions very briefly. I appreciate the stability and LTS releases of Ubuntu.

Regarding the themes and customizations, I am not a big fan of that and prefer to use whatever is available by default with some minor modifications.

smontiel profile image
Salvador Montiel • Edited

Same here!
I have Ubuntu 17.04 as my principal OS, I hasn't used a different OS(excluding the omnipresent Windows).