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Discussion on: Anybody still working with jQuery?

smonff profile image
🌌 Sébastien Feugère ☔ • Edited

Do you call Babel and Polyfills « Vanilla JavaScript » ? It's already JavaScript with super-powers.

There are people who do jQuery and who doesn't know how to set up those kind of environments. And their company don't want them to learn and/or they aren't interested to go further on their own.

I don't say it is good, and it should surely be avoided, but the simplicity of use of jQuery is for sure a great plus. Overusing it at a certain point for complex applications today is surely a mistake and the tools you mentioned should be used in most of the cases.

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jessekphillips profile image
Jesse Phillips

Is it though? When do you pull in a polyfill? Is it for every JS feature you use? Did you remember to check the compatibility guide?

Im not saying you want to go without testing, but testing is all about figuring out what is not needed to be tested.