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Discussion on: Encoding HKTs in TS4.1

smolattack profile image

Is this the official documentation for effect-ts? Will there be a blog that demonstrates some beginner level CRUD style code? Something like a form that accepts an image on the frontend and a backend API/resolver that persists some data, calls a 3rd party service (e.g., to resize the the uploaded image or send an email, etc...). You know, basic but real-life, used out in the wild type of code.

mikearnaldi profile image
Michael Arnaldi

Oh by all means it is not supposed to be the official doc, the doc will be created once we have finished porting the api of ZIO 2.0 (planned in a few months from now). Up until the doc arrives this blog series can be an intro to more advanced users. To address beginner friendlier intros we have just launched the "Effect Time" series where every 2 weeks we cover real-word usage.

smolattack profile image

Thanks I'll have a look. I hope you can cover the following in future series (or maybe it could go in the documentation):

  • conventions of effect-ts. For example, what do some common words mean like functions that end with with (e.g., succeedWith), why are new and extends keywords used (having played with fp-ts a bit, I thought those were 'javascript, the bad parts'). Also, generators are weird, why use them (I think it has something to do with addressing limitations of typescript but a full explanation would be great)?

  • Something along the lines of 'Build a blog, the effect-ts way'. So a your usual react, graphql, postgres/prisma deal but using effect-ts to do the business logic, validations, data fetching, etc... I think something like that would be a great intro to some FP basics (Either, Maybe, Tasks, opaque types, Codecs, etc...). If you do decide to create this, please avoid a common trope these days of building it the 'wrong way' and then slowly fixing it throughout the series. Imagine if piano lessons were taught that way (if you didn't finish the full course, you'd just walk away with a bunch of hard-to-break bad habits).

Thread Thread
mikearnaldi profile image
Michael Arnaldi
  • the convention of With is still in discussion and may change in the future, it currently identify a lazy version of a function like T.succeedWith(() => 0) vs T.succeed(0) an alternative that we are considering is instead T.succeed(() => 0) and T.succeedNow(0) the reason being it is more common and usually more correct to use the lazy versions (the eager ones are better in some very specific cases for perf but risky to use).

  • new and extends, in this we do not agree with what "the bad parts" are, as a language TypeScript is not Haskell, it is a language that encompass both objects and functions as first-class only focusing on some restricted components limit the possibilities a lot, namely classes are extremely helpful as they are the only typescript construct (apart from enums) that both define a term symbol and a type symbol, namely a class is both a type and a concrete blueprint of an object, this enables for DSLs such as the one exposed in @effect-ts/core/Case that simulates data classes with hash+equals+copy methods.

  • generators this to be honest is trickery and a good degree of magic, the idea was to simulate a monadic do in a way that is native to the language (like an async-await would do for Promise), it turns out to be incredibly powerful as the combination of the generator function with a specialised adapter allows for lifting of a set of natural transformations into the context allowing you to mix and match types, like having a generator of effects that yields Tag, Either, Option, etc out of the box. There is a performance penalty because generators aren't that fast especially if down-level is applied but they are still as fast as async-await (and effect is faster than promise so overall generator+effect is faster than plain async-await) except for multi-shot effects like Array or Stream or Chunk where we have to defensively copy the generator replaying state reconstruction at every element. One of the commonly used patterns is for example to use generators for service construction that usually requires dependencies and flexibility but only runs once at bootstrap time while still use the classic pipe for concrete implementation of procedures.

  • There is some effort ongoing in making some material of the mentioned kind available and we have started a weekly series on youtube where we discuss all things effect with concrete usage and live coding: