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Build a Solana Smart Contract using Anchor(Part 2)

Starting a Project with Anchor Framework

Use Anchor’s CLI to start a new project. The following command is the syntax to initialize a new project:
anchor init <new-project-name>
We are going to give the name of “mySolanaProgram”.
anchor init mySolanaProgram
This will create a new folder with the name of the project. If you open the folder, you will see a project with the following folder structure.

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Working on the Solana Program

Notice there is a file that lives in the programs/mySolanaProgram/src folder. In there, it lives the Solana program, or smart contract. Notice the file extension finishes in rs which means it is a Rust file.

Open the file using your favorite IDE. You should see a code similar to the following snippet.

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If you don’t have previous knowledge of Rust, this won’t make sense at all. The first line of code is a way to import dependencies or libraries in Rust. In this case, it is importing the anchor library.

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
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The declareId is where Solana stores the address or program id of your program. By default, Anchor generates a program id for us.

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Then, you will see a #[program] section. This is the program module and is where the logic of the program lives.

pub mod my_solana_program {
    use super::*;
    pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> ProgramResult {
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Finally, there is a #[derive(Acccounts)] section. This is where the Accounts struct lives which is where accounts are validated.

pub struct Initialize {}
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You might be wondering what a struct is. A struct defines a group of properties. In other words, structs define the structure of the data. It’s like defining an interface in TypeScript if you have a background in TypeScript.

interface Initialize {
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While it is tempting to relate structs as classes or objects, these concepts do not exist in Rust. For example, it is not possible to define methods in structs like you would using another programming language. However, it is possible to define functions to access structs.

You will see the methods manipulating the data are available in the module pub mod my_solana_program. This means, our program will have to pass data by reference from the outside in order to modify it.

This is one of the main differences between Solana and Ethereum, as Solana’s goal is to separate code and data. This means the logic could be applied to other pieces of data. That’s why Solana programs are considered stateless contracts.

Updating the Solana Program

Update the logic of the program using the following code. I recommend giving it a look and trying to understand what is going on, even if you don’t have previous knowledge of Rust.

pub mod my_solana_program {
    use super::*;
    pub fn setup_platform(ctx: Context<TweetPlatform>) -> ProgramResult {
        let tweet = &mut ctx.accounts.tweet;
        tweet.likes = 0;
        tweet.message = ("").to_string();

    pub fn write_tweet(
        ctx: Context<WriteTweet>,
        message: String,
        user_public_key: Pubkey
    ) -> ProgramResult {
        let tweet = &mut ctx.accounts.tweet;

        if !tweet.message.trim().is_empty() {
            return Err(Errors::CannotUpdateTweet.into());

        if message.trim().is_empty() {
            return Err(Errors::EmtpyMessage.into());

        tweet.message = message;
        tweet.likes = 0;
        tweet.creator = user_public_key;


    pub fn like_tweet(ctx: Context<LikeTweet>, user_liking_tweet: Pubkey) -> ProgramResult {
        let tweet = &mut ctx.accounts.tweet;

        if tweet.message.trim().is_empty() {
            return Err(Errors::NotValidTweet.into());

        if tweet.likes == 5 {
            return Err(Errors::ReachedMaxLikes.into());

        let mut iter = tweet.people_who_liked.iter();
        if iter.any(|&v| v == user_liking_tweet) {
            return Err(Errors::UserLikedTweet.into());

        tweet.likes += 1;


pub struct TweetPlatform<'info> {
    #[account(init, payer = user, space = 9000 )]
    pub tweet: Account<'info, Tweet>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

pub struct WriteTweet<'info> {
    pub tweet: Account<'info, Tweet>,

pub struct LikeTweet<'info> {
    pub tweet: Account<'info, Tweet>

#[account] //An attribute for a data structure representing a Solana account.
pub struct Tweet {
    message: String,
    likes: u8,
    creator: Pubkey,
    people_who_liked: Vec<Pubkey>, // with  #[derive(Default)] we can assign default values

pub enum Errors {
    #[msg("Tweet message cannot be updated")]

    #[msg("Message cannot be empty")]

    #[msg("Cannot receive more than 5 likes")]

    #[msg("Cannot like a tweet without a valid message")]

    #[msg("User has already liked the tweet")]
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What does the program do?

The main purpose of this Solana program is for a user to write a tweet. The requirements for this program are:

  • Only one person can write a tweet
  • The tweet’s message cannot be empty
  • The tweet can be liked by up to 5 different users
  • A user cannot like a tweet more than once
  • These requirements are pretty standard.

Defining the program errors

Let’s start with the bottom of the code. It is an enum of Errors, and it is used to define each of the errors.

Notice the attribute #[error] above the enum Errors. This attribute is provided by anchor_lang library, which is imported at the top of the file.

pub enum Errors {
    #[msg("Tweet message cannot be updated")]
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Notice how there is a #[msg()] attribute right above each enum error. This allows us to define a user-friendly error message.

In the following snippet of code, we show you how to throw one of the enum Errors by using the Err which represents a result type containing a value, value we provide using into(). For instance, we return the error CannotUpdateTweet using the following syntax Err(Errors::CannotUpdateTweet.into()) if the message of the tweet is not empty.

pub fn write_tweet(
        ctx: Context<WriteTweet>,
        message: String,
        user_public_key: Pubkey
    ) -> ProgramResult {
        // some logic

        if !tweet.message.trim().is_empty() {
            return Err(Errors::CannotUpdateTweet.into());

        // more logic
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Defining the Structures

Let’s move on to defining the structs, or the structures of data.

Let’s start with the struct where the main logic of the program is based on, the Tweet struct.

pub struct Tweet {
    message: String,
    likes: u8,
    creator: Pubkey,
    people_who_liked: Vec<Pubkey>
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It is incorrect to call message, likes, creator, and people_who_liked “properties”. However, you can think of them in that way to relate if you are coming from object-oriented programming. In theory, we are only defining the names and types of the pieces of data.

The String type is itself a string, but the other types you might not be familiar with.

  • u8 is an unsigned integer type.
  • Pubkey is a public key type of a solana account.
  • Vec<> is a growable array type. Hence, Vec is a growable array type of public key types.

There is the #[account] attribute and it defines the data structure of a Solana account. One of the main characteristics of this attribute is to generate implementations to serialize and deserialize an account. According to the docs, when implementing account serialization traits the first 8 bytes are reserved for a unique account discriminator, self-described by the first 8 bytes of the SHA256 of the account’s Rust ident.AccountSerialize.

Finally, there is #[derive(Default)], and it allows defining default values for the pieces of data whenever the struc is generated. Currently, we are not setting default data.

Let’s move on to the TweetPlatform structure, which contains the tweet, user and system_program pieces of data.

pub struct TweetPlatform<'info> {
    #[account(init, payer = user, space = 9000 )]
    pub tweet: Account<'info, Tweet>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
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Pay attention to the use of the derive attribute #[derive(Accounts)]. This allows deserializing the Solana accounts so they can be validated and prevent account substitution attacks. A derive attribute allows new items to be automatically generated for data structures.

#[account(init, payer = user, space = 9000 )]
 pub tweet: Account<'info, Tweet>
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Notice the use of init attribute for the tweet field. In other words, this will create a new account owned by the current program. Using init requires someone to pay for creating the account.

In this case, the user field is defined as the account that will provide the funds to create the tweet account. Finally, there is the space attribute. This defines how large the tweet account should be. For the purposes of this tutorial, we assigned 9000, but this should be calculated beforehand to know how much space it will occupy the program.

When using the init attribute, we must provide the system_program . This is required by the runtime to create the account.

Finally, we have the WriteTweet and LikeTweet structs.

These structs have the tweet account defined with the attribute #[account(mut)]. The mut flag allows keeping changes made to the account even after exiting the program.

Hence, there are two flags you must take into consideration. The init and the mut flags. The first is used when the account (tweet) is used for the first time and the mut is used to persist any changes, for instance, writing a value to message or updating the likes field.

Defining instructions in the module

It’s time to talk about the methods defined in the module. These are called instructions. Based on Solana documentation, an instruction specifies a single program, a subset of the transaction’s accounts that should be passed to the program, and a data byte array that is passed to the program. The program interprets the data array and operates on the accounts specified by the instructions.

Let’s start with the setup_platform method.

pub fn setup_platform(ctx: Context<TweetPlatform>) -> ProgramResult {
        let tweet = &mut ctx.accounts.tweet;
        tweet.likes = 0;
        tweet.message = ("").to_string();
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The first thing to notice is the usage of a ctx parameter via Context<>. The Context<> deserializes the accounts found in the struct type passed, in this case, the TweetPlatform. That’s why you can access the field tweet when using ctx.accounts.

There are other data fields you can access via ctx parameter

program_id: The current executing program id.
remaining_accounts: Other accounts given but not deserialized or validated.
Which we are not using, but it is important to know about in case we need access to other data fields of a struct.

Also, we use the keyword &mut to get the mutable reference of the tweet data field. Remember, Solana programs are considered stateless contracts. This means there are no variables and data must be passed from the outside if we want to modify it.

let tweet = &mut ctx.accounts.tweet;
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While the setup_platform instruction doesn’t seem to do much besides setting the likes data to 0 and the message to an empty string, it is important to remember this process must happen as the TweetPlatform struc uses the init attribute to create tweet account.

Now, let’s look a the write_tweet instruction.

pub fn write_tweet(
        ctx: Context<WriteTweet>,
        message: String,
        user_public_key: Pubkey
    ) -> ProgramResult {
        let tweet = &mut ctx.accounts.tweet;

        if !tweet.message.trim().is_empty() {
            return Err(Errors::CannotUpdateTweet.into());

        if message.trim().is_empty() {
            return Err(Errors::EmtpyMessage.into());

        tweet.message = message;
        tweet.likes = 0;
        tweet.creator = user_public_key;

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There are two new things happening in this instruction.

One of them is for the Solana program to accept incoming data used to modify an account (tweet). Besides accepting the context ctx: Context, which we used to deserialize and access tweet account,

  • A user can pass a message.
  • A user can pass their user_public_key to “write” a new tweet and identify the creator or owner of the tweet.
    The second new part is to apply restrictions to the tweet account.

  • Cannot overwrite a tweet.message if the tweet.message has already data.

  • Cannot write an empty tweet.message if the message provided by the external user is empty.
    This allows us to use our custom program errors in case any of these fails.

If you paid close attention, we used the WriteTweet struct which uses the mut attribute on the tweet account. Remember, this attribute marks the account as mutable and persists changes. That’s why, if we access the tweet account in a different instruction such as like_tweet, we can add additional check to verify the tweet.message is not empty, which infers the tweet.message should have been previously updated in the write_tweet instruction.

Finally, we have the like_tweet instruction.

Hopefully, this won’t require much explanation as most of the concepts were explained when we covered the other two instructions, setup_platform and write_tweet. Probably, the only part it might be new for those without much Rust experience is the way we are checking if a new user has liked a tweet before or not.

let mut iter = tweet.people_who_liked.iter();
if iter.any(|&v| v == user_liking_tweet) {
    return Err(Errors::UserLikedTweet.into());
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In short, we need to iterate through all of the values from the people_who_liked data field to verify if the user liking the tweet (user_liking_tweet) has liked it before. Otherwise, add the user_liking_tweet to the array.

Build the program
After you added all the program logic in the file, go ahead and build the program using the following command.

anchor build
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Testing the program

If you haven’t written many programmatic tests in the past, you will find writing tests more often than what you have ever done in your career when working in web3.

When we created this project using the Anchor framework, it generated a tests/mySolanaProgram.ts file.

Update the mySolanaProgram.ts file with the following tests.

import * as anchor from '@project-serum/anchor';
import { Program } from '@project-serum/anchor';
import { MySolanaProgram } from '../target/types/my_solana_program';
import { expect, assert } from 'chai';

describe('mySolanaProgram', () => {

  // Configure the client to use the local cluster.

  const program = anchor.workspace.MySolanaProgram as Program<MySolanaProgram>;
  it('setup tweet platform!', async () => {
    const tweetKeypair = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    const user = program.provider.wallet;
    await program.rpc.setupPlatform({
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
        user: user.publicKey,
        systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId
      signers: [tweetKeypair]

    let tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

  it('Write a tweet', async () => {
    const tweetKeypair = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    const user = program.provider.wallet;
    await program.rpc.setupPlatform({
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
        user: user.publicKey,
        systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId
      signers: [tweetKeypair]

    let tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

    await program.rpc.writeTweet('Hello World!', user.publicKey, {
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
      signers: []

    tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

    expect(tweet.message).to.equal('Hello World!');

  it('should like tweet up no more than 5 times', async () => {
    const tweetKeypair = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    const user = program.provider.wallet;
    await program.rpc.setupPlatform({
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
        user: user.publicKey,
        systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId
      signers: [tweetKeypair]

    let tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

    await program.rpc.writeTweet('Hello World!', user.publicKey, {
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
      signers: []

    tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);
    expect(tweet.message).to.equal('Hello World!');

    await program.rpc.likeTweet(user.publicKey, {
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
      signers: []

    tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

    try {
      await program.rpc.likeTweet(user.publicKey, {
        accounts: {
          tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
        signers: []

    } catch (error) {
      console.log('error ', error.toString());
      const expectedError = 'User has already liked the tweet';
      assert.equal(error.toString().toString(), expectedError);

    const secondUser = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    await program.rpc.likeTweet(secondUser.publicKey, {
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
      signers: []

    tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

    const thirdUser = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    await program.rpc.likeTweet(thirdUser.publicKey, {
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
      signers: []

    tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

    const fourthUser = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    await program.rpc.likeTweet(fourthUser.publicKey, {
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
      signers: []

    tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

    const fifthUser = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    await program.rpc.likeTweet(fifthUser.publicKey, {
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
      signers: []

    tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

    const sixthUser = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    try {

      await program.rpc.likeTweet(sixthUser.publicKey, {
        accounts: {
          tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
        signers: []

    } catch (error) {
      console.log('error ', error.toString());
      assert.equal(error.toString().toString(), 'Cannot receive more than 5 likes');

  it('should not allow writting an empty message', async () => {
    const tweetKeypair = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
    const user = program.provider.wallet;
    await program.rpc.setupPlatform({
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
        user: user.publicKey,
        systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId
      signers: [tweetKeypair]

    let tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);

    try {
      await program.rpc.writeTweet('', user.publicKey, {
        accounts: {
          tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
        signers: []
    } catch (error) {
      assert.equal(error.toString().toString(), 'Message cannot be empty');
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What you will find interesting is how programmatic tests are written in a different programming language (Typescript, but you could configure it also to use JavaScript), and the Solana program uses Rust.

When you built the Solana program in the previous step, it generates an IDL located in the target/idl folder. The IDL is an interface definition language that lets a program written in one language communicate with another program written in an unknown language.

Hence, we can access the instructions we defined in my_solana_program in TypeScript so we can validate they are properly working.

By default, anchor added mocha and chai, JavaScript testing libraries which you can find in the devDependencies of the package.json.

We won’t go into details explaining how these libraries work. However, there are a few things to take into account which we will explain below.

Configuring to use a specific cluster
Solana programs are run in clusters. As previously mentioned, the clusters available are devnet, testnet, mainnet, and localnet which is the local cluster. The following line of code is Anchor helping us configure the client to use a specific cluster.

// Configure the client to use the local cluster.
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Currently, the comments said that // Configure the client to use the local cluster. What is truly getting the local cluster is this line of code.

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In other words, that checks the Anchor.toml file and checks the cluster set up in [provider] section. By default, it should have been set to “localnet”. Hence, if you decide to update it to another cluster, it will configure that cluster at the moment of executing the tests.

Accessing the Solana program and executing instructions
Anchor does a lot of the heavy lifting for us to access the Solana program by using the program variable.

const program = anchor.workspace.MySolanaProgram as Program<MySolanaProgram>;
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Anchor provides workspace as a way to access all Solana programs in the local project.

Anchor also has a helper function to generate key pairs to execute the tests. Remember, these key pairs represent a wallet which are accounts we validate in the Solana program.

const tweetKeypair = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
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Finally, notice how we are triggering the instructions or methods of the Solana program via the rpc property

await program.rpc.setupPlatform({
      accounts: {
        tweet: tweetKeypair.publicKey,
        user: user.publicKey,
        systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId
      signers: [tweetKeypair]
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Notice how Anchor updated the naming convention of the methods from one programming language to another. In Rust, it is called setup_platform and in JavaScript it is called setupPlatform.

Finally, notice how we access the data from the program via program.account.

await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);
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In this case, we access the tweet account, and trigger the fetch method using the public key for the tweet account to access deserialized data, which we use to run tests validations.

let tweet = await program.account.tweet.fetch(tweetKeypair.publicKey);
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Running the tests
To run the tests, execute the following command.

anchor test
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This will build, deploy, and test programs against a specific cluster.

I encourage you to make changes to the project and further develop this Solana program if you wish to. By no means do I consider myself an expert. However, I did my best effort to explain the concepts after a lot of research to break them into more digestible content.

Thanks for reading my post.

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