DEV Community

Discussion on: You Probably Don't Need A Front End Framework

smchughinfo profile image

I've been saying this for years. What you are saying is true but it's always been an unpopular truth. It might be less true if there weren't new frameworks to learn constantly but there are. I mean if you have the foresight to pick a winner like React then you're good for a while but if you pick wrong and have to relearn and your company uses some other framework then it just adds up to a dumb amount of time learning to do the same thing you could do yourself with just regular JavaScript.

Confession time, I didn't make a serious effort to learn any JavaScript frameworks for like a four year period. Instead I learned a ton of math. Well, that turned out to be an outstanding decision. No, I still don't know balls.js but ball.js is old now and no one uses it.

I'm learning react now and it's fine. I like components a lot but those too have been possible in regular JavaScript for a while. Well, at least with some shims.

Anyways, I applaud you for writing this article. It might not be popular but what's right isn't always popular.