DEV Community

Discussion on: Building a simple Calendly clone with Phoenix LiveView (pt. 3)

slowburnaz profile image
Chris Turner

I'm running into an issue with the live_session @owner assignment...

When I start up the server and navigate to the page, I get an error like the following:
[error] #PID<0.521.0> running CalendlexWeb.Endpoint (connection #PID<0.520.0>, stream id 1) terminated
Server: localhost:4000 (http)
Request: GET /
** (exit) an exception was raised:
** (ArgumentError) assign @owner not available in template.

Please make sure all proper assigns have been set. If you are
calling a component, make sure you are passing all required
assigns as arguments.

Available assigns: [:changed, :event_types, :flash, :live_action, :socket]

I've made sure all the code matches. Any ideas why? Just seems like the live_session stuff isn't working, or being ignored.

antonrich profile image

I think that's because you need to remove this from the router:

  scope "/", CalendlexWeb do
    pipe_through :browser

    live "/", PageLive
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

But then I think you will ran into the same error I ran into.

slowburnaz profile image
Chris Turner

That worked for me, thanks.

Fortunately (unfortunately?), I didn't run into your issue.

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bigardone profile image
Ricardo García Vega

Hi there! Can you run mix hex.outdated and confirm that you have the latest version of LiveView installed?

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slowburnaz profile image
Chris Turner • Edited

Actually, I had noticed that your live_view version was higher, so I did update that and it fixed the @owner assignment issue.

I was also running into another issue with the EventType component:
"function EventType.event_type/1 is undefined (module EventType is not available)" and it also couldn't event find the "EventType" module.

It seems that's supposed to be EventType.selector... so changing that, and then adding "alias Calendlex.Components.EventType" to the page_live.ex file helped.

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slowburnaz profile image
Chris Turner

I see that Anton was having the same issue as me, so disregard this.

bigardone profile image
Ricardo García Vega

Yeah, my bad. I should have specified that live_session should wrap the current scope. I'll rewrite that part, thanks for reporting the issue :)