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Parth Cheulkar
Parth Cheulkar

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Hacktoberfest 2020 Completion

It was in 2019 when i first came to know about this event. I was excited but didn't know where to start or how to go about it. So just for the sake of completion i made some basics PRs in HTML or C++ and contributed in some files (fixing typo errors).

But come 2020 and i was prepared. I was confident to contribute and was quite glad regarding the strict rules and regulations to prevent spam PRs. I started working on issues last week and as of today i have submitted 6 pull requests. Though there is nothing as such to be delighted about but I felt like i have given something back to the community. To the very same community who's always there to answer doubts and work and collaborate with others. To be very honest more than the PRs, I enjoy the camaraderie, the mutual respect for other devs who make valuable contributions.

So, talking about this year i made 6 following PRs
-> provided a template of login and registration page for a
existing project.
-> Solved 2 coding puzzles as a contribution to a repo for
competitive programmers.
-> Made a developer's portfolio completely mobile responsive.
-> Fixed a styling issue using Bootstrap framework in a project.
-> Lastly contributed a few books and resources to a repo made for
rookie web developers out there.

My PRs are in the review period as of now and i urge all the budding devs out there to go and explore and contribute to open source.

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