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Akash Singh
Akash Singh

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How I reduced $10000 Monthly AWS Glue Bill to $400 using Airflow

During my time as a Devops Engineer at Vance, we were running around 80 ETL pipelines on AWS Glue, but as our workloads scaled, so did our costs—hitting a staggering $10,000 per month. This wasn’t sustainable. After analyzing our pipeline, we realized that AWS Glue's serverless nature was costing us heavily for idle time and unnecessary compute

To fix this, I migrated our ETL workloads to Apache Airflow, running on EC2 instances with ECS, and orchestrated everything using Terraform. The result? A 96% cost reduction, bringing our bill down to just $400 per month, without compromising on performance.

While Airflow is a great alternative to Glue, there's little documentation on setting it up properly with Terraform with Celery Executor — especially for cost optimization. This blog walks you through how we did it, the challenges we faced, and how you can do the same to slash your AWS Glue costs.

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Needless to say, this was indeed a war, credits to my manager Rishabh Lakhotia who went through this circus with me, you are indeed a god sir.


I am Akash Singh, a third year engineering student and Open Source Contributor from Bangalore.
Here is my LinkedIn, GitHub and Twitter

Sky Singh

I go by the name SkySingh04 online.

The three parts of the pain

Migrating from AWS Glue to Apache Airflow involves setting up three core components:

  1. Webserver – The UI for managing DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) and monitoring job execution.
  2. Scheduler – Responsible for triggering and scheduling DAG runs.
  3. Workers – Execute the actual tasks in the DAGs.

Using Terraform, we provisioned ECS to run all three parallely and enable them to communicate with each other, which we will get to next.

Once Airflow is up and running, the next step is to migrate our ETL workflows. We will Glue jobs into Airflow DAGs, and then nuke the the Glue jobs, marking the final step in cutting down our AWS costs.

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The Magical Dockerfile

You can use the following Dockerfile and push it to ECR and reference it in the upcoming configs :

FROM apache/airflow:latest-python3.9
USER root
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    git \
    && apt-get clean \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN mkdir -p /opt/airflow/dags /opt/airflow/logs && \
    chown -R airflow:root /opt/airflow && \
    chmod -R 755 /opt/airflow/logs

USER airflow

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir \
    apache-airflow-providers-github \
    apache-airflow-providers-amazon \
    apache-airflow-providers-mysql \
    apache-airflow-providers-mongo \
    apache-airflow[celery,redis] \

COPY --chown=airflow:root dags/* /opt/airflow/dags/

    AIRFLOW__LOGGING__LOG_FORMAT='[%(asctime)s] {%(filename)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s' \
    AIRFLOW__LOGGING__SIMPLE_LOG_FORMAT='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s' \
    AIRFLOW__LOGGING__DAG_FILE_PROCESSOR_LOG_TARGET=/opt/airflow/logs/dag_processor_manager/dag_processor_manager.log \

ENV AIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER=/opt/airflow/dags

RUN mkdir -p /opt/airflow/logs/scheduler \
            /opt/airflow/logs/web \
            /opt/airflow/logs/worker \
            /opt/airflow/logs/dag_processor_manager \

USER root
RUN chown -R airflow:root /opt/airflow && \
    chmod -R 755 /opt/airflow
USER airflow
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This Dockerfile will be used for all three of our components and very nicely setups logging as well. The DAGs are directly baked into the Docker Image, we will get to that in a bit. Builld the image, tag it, push it to ECR and move to the next step!

Airflow Web Server

A Terraform script can be written to set up Apache Airflow on AWS using ECS (Elastic Container Service) with EC2 launch type. We need to make sure to add:

  1. CloudWatch Logging:

    • Creates a log group (/ecs/airflow) with a retention of 3 days.
  2. Security Groups:

    • Allows inbound HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) traffic for the Application Load Balancer (ALB).
    • Enables unrestricted outbound traffic.
  3. TLS/SSL with ACM & Route 53:

    • Provisions an ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) certificate for using DNS validation.
    • Configures Route 53 DNS records to resolve the Airflow URL to the ALB.
  4. Application Load Balancer (ALB):

    • Creates an internal ALB for the Airflow webserver, supporting IPv4 & IPv6 (dualstack).
    • Configures an HTTP listener (port 80) to redirect traffic to HTTPS (port 443).
    • Sets up an HTTPS listener (port 443) to forward requests to the ECS target group.
  5. ECS Task Definition for Airflow Webserver:

    • Defines an ECS task for the Airflow webserver running on an EC2-backed ECS cluster.
    • Uses a Docker image stored in AWS ECR (aws_ecr_repository.airflow.repository_url:latest).
    • Allocates 2GB memory (2048MB).
    • Maps container port 8080 to the host for web access.
    • Defines a health check (http://localhost:8080/health).
  6. ECS Service for Airflow:

    • Creates an ECS service named "airflow-webserver" with 1 desired task.
    • Associates the ECS service with the ALB target group for load balancing.
    • Enables execute-command to allow debugging via AWS SSM.
    • Uses a capacity provider strategy for ECS resource management.
  7. DNS Configuration:

    • Configures a Route 53 A record ( pointing to the ALB.

The Terraform script includes several environment variables in the ECS task definition:

  1. Database Connection (AIRFLOW__DATABASE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN):

    • Specifies the PostgreSQL database connection string for Airflow’s metadata database.
    • Uses AWS KMS-encrypted secrets to securely store the database password.
  2. User Management:

    • _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_CREATE: Ensures the default Airflow web user is created.
    • _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_USERNAME: Sets the username (default: airflow).
    • _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD: Stores the password securely via AWS KMS secrets.
  3. Security & Web Configuration:

    • AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__EXPOSE_CONFIG: Enables exposing Airflow configuration via the web UI.
    • AIRFLOW__SCHEDULER__ENABLE_HEALTH_CHECK: Enables a built-in scheduler health check.
  4. Database Migrations & Initialization:

    • _AIRFLOW_DB_MIGRATE: Ensures Airflow runs necessary database migrations on startup.

Now go ahead and run terraform plan and terraform apply and you should see a lot of resources being created. If everything went correctly, you will see the airflow ui on the url you specified :

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Airflow Scheduler

The Airflow Scheduler is responsible for orchestrating DAG executions and ensuring scheduled tasks run at the correct time. A Terraform script can be written to provision the scheduler as an ECS service, configures CloudWatch logging, and enables auto-scaling to manage resource usage effectively.

While most of this is similar to the webserver, in summary, we need to added :

  • Logs Scheduler Execution in CloudWatch (/ecs/airflow-scheduler/).
  • Monitors Performance via StatsD Metrics (airflow-metrics namespace).
  • Runs in an ECS Cluster with Auto Scaling, ensuring efficient resource allocation.
  • Uses CloudWatch Agent for Monitoring, helping analyze task execution times.
  • Secured by a Restricted Security Group, blocking unwanted traffic.

Now, go ahead and run terraform plan and terraform apply, and the Airflow Scheduler will be provisioned successfully! 🚀

Airflow Worker

The Airflow worker service is deployed as an ECS service on EC2 instances with auto-scaling based on memory utilization. It runs the Celery workers, which execute tasks from the DAGs, and will require Redis, which we’ll set up next.

The important things to note are :

  • Uses CeleryExecutor, meaning tasks are distributed among workers.
  • Logs are sent to CloudWatch for monitoring.
  • Workers scale dynamically between 0 and 5 based on memory utilization.
  • Each worker runs as a container inside ECS, managed by an autoscaling policy with a target of 60% memory utilization.
  • DUMB_INIT_SETSID=0 is set to handle proper signal propagation for Celery shutdown.

This entire setup made me cry because debugging autoscaling, log management, and task execution in ECS is a nightmare. Also, Redis isn’t even here yet, so the pain is far from over.

Redis and RDS

Setting up redis isn't that bad , you can use the following terraform file:

resource "aws_elasticache_subnet_group" "airflow" {
  name = "airflow-redis-subnet-group"
  subnet_ids = aws_subnet.airflow[*].id
  tags = merge(
      name = "airflow-redis-subnet-group"

resource "aws_security_group" "airflow_redis" {
  name_prefix = "airflow-redis"
  vpc_id      =

  tags = merge(
      Name = "airflow-redis"

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "airflow_redis_inbound" {
  type              = "ingress"
  from_port         = 6379
  to_port           = 6379
  protocol          = "tcp"
  cidr_blocks       = [data.aws_vpc.this.cidr_block]
  security_group_id =
  description       = "Allow Redis from internal network"

resource "aws_elasticache_cluster" "airflow" {
  cluster_id           = "airflow"
  engine               = "redis"
  node_type            = "cache.t4g.small"
  num_cache_nodes      = 1
  parameter_group_name = "default.redis5.0"
  engine_version       = "5.0.6"
  port                 = 6379
  subnet_group_name    =
  security_group_ids = []
  tags = merge(
      name = "airflow-redis-server"

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "airflow_redis_outbound" {
  type              = "egress"
  from_port         = 0
  to_port           = 0
  protocol          = "-1"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  security_group_id =
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And similarly, we will setup RDS as well for airflow:

# Security Groups
resource "aws_security_group" "airflow_rds" {
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true
  name_prefix = "airflow-rds-default-"
  description = "Allow TLS inbound traffic and all outbound traffic for airflow"
  vpc_id      =

  tags = {
    Name = "airflow-rds-default"

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "airflow_rds_inbound" {
  type              = "ingress"
  from_port         = 0
  to_port           = 0
  protocol          = "-1"
  cidr_blocks       = [data.aws_vpc.this.cidr_block]
  security_group_id =
  description       = "Allow all from internal network"

resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "airflow" {
  name       = "postgres-airflow"
  subnet_ids = aws_subnet.airflow[*].id

resource "aws_db_instance" "airflow" {
  db_name                    = "any db name"
  apply_immediately = true
  allocated_storage          = "100"
  storage_type               = "gp3"
  engine                     = "postgres"
  engine_version             = "17.2"
  auto_minor_version_upgrade = true
  instance_class             = "db.t4g.micro"
  username                   = "airflow"
  password                   = data.aws_kms_secrets.airflow.plaintext["db_password"]
  multi_az                   = false
  publicly_accessible        = false
  deletion_protection        = false
  skip_final_snapshot        = true
  identifier                 = "airflow"
  vpc_security_group_ids     = []
  db_subnet_group_name       =
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Go ahead and create all of these resources as well using terraform!

The ENV Configurations to make all of this work

To make Airflow work properly in ECS with CeleryExecutor, several environment variables are required for logging, task execution, database connections, Redis as the message broker, and external integrations. These are defined in Terraform locals and passed into the Airflow containers.

1️⃣ Core Airflow Configuration

  • Instance Name:

    • "AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__INSTANCE_NAME" = "airflow-webserver"
    • Helps identify the webserver instance.
  • Executor:

    • "AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR" = "CeleryExecutor"
    • Uses CeleryExecutor to distribute tasks across multiple workers instead of running them sequentially in a single instance.
  • Database Connection:

    • Connects to PostgreSQL, using credentials stored in AWS KMS secrets.
  • Load Examples:

    • Controls whether example DAGs should be loaded.

2️⃣ Logging Configuration (AWS CloudWatch & S3)

  • Log Level:

    • Enables verbose logging for debugging.
  • Remote Logging to CloudWatch:

    • Stores logs in S3 and CloudWatch, making them accessible even if containers restart.

3️⃣ Celery & Redis Configuration (Message Queue & Task Result Storage)

  • Message Queue (Redis):

    • "AIRFLOW__CELERY__BROKER_URL" = "redis://${aws_elasticache_cluster.airflow.cache_nodes[0].address}:6379/0"
    • Celery uses Redis for task queuing (yet to be set up, another source of pain).
  • Task Result Storage (PostgreSQL):

    • "AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND" = "db+postgresql://airflow:${data.aws_kms_secrets.airflow.plaintext["db_password"]}@${aws_db_instance.airflow.endpoint}/airflow"
    • Task execution results are stored in PostgreSQL, ensuring persistence.
  • Celery Transport Options:

    • Ensures tasks are not marked as failed too soon.

4️⃣ SMTP (Email Alerts for DAG Failures & Notifications)

  • SMTP Configuration:
    • "AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_HOST" = "d"
    • "AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_PORT" = "587"
    • "AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_SSL" = "True"
    • Used for sending failure notifications via email.

5️⃣ AWS-Specific Configurations

  • Region Setting:

    • "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" = local.region
    • Ensures Terraform and Airflow components run in the correct AWS region.
  • Fluent Bit Logging for Observability:

    • Uses Fluent Bit (aws-for-fluent-bit:stable) for log collection.

6️⃣ External Integrations (GitHub & AWS Secrets Manager)

  • GitHub Connection (Airflow Providers):
    • "AIRFLOW__PROVIDERS__GITHUB__GITHUB_CONN_ID" = "github_default"
    • "AIRFLOW__PROVIDERS__GITHUB__ACCESS_TOKEN" = data.aws_kms_secrets.airflow.plaintext["github_token"]
    • Enables Airflow DAGs to interact with GitHub APIs.

Pain Points 😭

  • Setting up Redis for Celery is a huge pain because of networking and IAM role issues.
  • Debugging log storage in S3 & CloudWatch while handling permissions is frustrating.
  • Managing AWS Secrets Manager & KMS decryption for credentials adds complexity.
  • Auto-scaling workers based on Redis queue depth & CPU/memory usage needs fine-tuning.

Okay yes lets finally move the DAGs now!

Now that the Airflow infrastructure is mostly set up (minus the Redis pain 😭), it's time to move our DAGs. Instead of mounting them dynamically, we are baking them directly into the Docker image. This ensures that every container running the Airflow scheduler or worker has the DAGs preloaded without relying on external storage.

1️⃣ How We Bake DAGs into the Docker Image

In our Dockerfile (which we wrote earlier), we add the DAGs by copying them into the /dags directory inside the container

2️⃣ Why This Approach?

  • No need for external DAG storage (like S3, EFS, or Git sync).
  • Ensures version control—DAGs are part of the Docker build process, so each deployment gets a known DAG version.
  • Simplifies deployments—no extra steps to copy DAGs at runtime.

3️⃣ Building & Pushing the Docker Image

Once the DAGs are added, we build and push the image:

docker build -t airflow-custom:latest .
docker tag airflow-custom:latest <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>
docker push <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>
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Image description

4️⃣ Updating ECS to Use the New Image

Since we bake the DAGs into the image, we just update ECS to pull the latest image, and the DAGs will be there.

aws ecs update-service \
  --cluster airflow-cluster \
  --service airflow-scheduler \
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This triggers a rolling restart of the scheduler, ensuring that the new DAGs are loaded.

Pain & Next Steps 😭

  • DAG Debugging: If a DAG has syntax errors, ECS will restart the scheduler on loop until it's fixed.
  • Hot Reloading? Baking DAGs means redeploying on every DAG update—fine for now, but we might add a mounted volume or Git sync later.
  • Testing DAGs Before Baking: To avoid bad deployments, we should test DAGs locally before adding them to the image.

Final Push: DAGs Are Moving In! 🏠

DAGs are now inside the container, meaning no runtime copying, no missing DAG issues, and one less thing to worry about—until the next fire starts. 🔥

And Now I Rest on a Pile of Blood and Bodies ⚰️

It took two brutal days, but we slowly closed every Glue job, one by one, like a sniper picking off targets. Each shutdown was met with anticipation—would Airflow take over without issues, or would we be diving into yet another debugging nightmare?

With each transition, we watched the DAGs spin up, monitored task executions, and prayed that Celery wouldn't betray us. Logs were combed through, retries were tweaked, and countless cups of coffee were consumed.

And finally, at the end of this war, the numbers spoke for themselves:

🚀 96% cost reduction in Glue job expenses.

🔥 Airflow fully operational, with tasks running efficiently across ECS workers.

💀 Redis survived (barely), after nearly making us lose our minds.

This migration wasn’t just a deployment; it was a battle of wills, and somehow, against all odds, we came out victorious. Now, as the dust settles, I take a breath and rest—not because the war is over, but because the next battle is just around the corner.

Top comments (46)

devnprody profile image

While I find this a good read,
The title doesn't seems convincing.
Glue and airflow serves different purposes. Airflow is not a replacement for glue, and its not designed to process data. It's an high end orchestration tool. The details about why you are using glue to get 10k grand bill is missing. May be you doing some ETL (using spark) ?? (That's what it is desinged to use for)
Also MWAA would solve those config issues with one click and its not expensive. And it takes care of scaling(depends on num of dags) and all maintainance activities. .50 cents/hour ? 50 dags ?
Some 350 bucks!! Per month.
Finally it's super easy to keep dags in a S3 bucket and let airflow monitor this place for new dags. And not by keeping them inside a docker image. We can easily create a simple pipeline to deploy to this S3 bucket when a dag changed than handling it via docker.

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Thanks for your feedback! You’ve raised some great points, and I’d love to clarify a few things.

On the surface Glue and Airflow serve different purposes. Glue is primarily an ETL service, whereas Airflow is an orchestration tool. Our use case involved heavy ETL processing with AWS Glue using Spark, which led to unexpectedly high costs. The $10K bill wasn’t just from orchestration but from running Glue jobs at scale. The motivation behind moving to Airflow was to gain more control over execution and cost efficiency using Airflow workers and move away from the cloud vendor lockin.

Regarding MWAA, it's a great managed solution, but for our scale, self-hosted Airflow provided better flexibility and cost savings. MWAA's pricing (around $0.50/hour plus metadata storage, logging, and network costs) can add up quickly, especially when managing hundreds of DAGs. In some cases, a self-managed setup gave us more control over instance types, autoscaling, and optimizations that MWAA abstracts anyways.

For DAG deployment, I did explore the s3 approach but we faced a lot of issues with setting it up. Maybe you can pinpoint the right documentation for this, perhaps we were doing something wrong. Anyways, pushing the DAGs to s3 or just writing a simple CI pipeline to do it for you is a matter of choice only.

wahid_m_1da6cebefa1750714 profile image
Wahid M

You still haven’t provided the details of your glue jobs and you airflow dag replacing the glue jobs. And airflow ain’t a replacement for glue.

Thread Thread
skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

@wahid_m_1da6cebefa1750714 I can't share the exact details of the glue jobs due to security concerns ofc, but they were on the lighter side of transformations.

And yes, we were able to completely replace glue jobs with our airflow setup using airflow workers, kindly refer to the blog for the same \oo/

mauricebrg profile image
Maurice Borgmeier

I don't understand, how does gaining more control over how you schedule your Glue Jobs reduce your costs unless you change something about the Glue Jobs?

  • Are you running them less frequently?
  • Did you change the logic to be more efficient?
  • Did you supply fewer DPUs?

Airflow is a great orchestrator and using MWAA seems like a much more painless setup, especially when you take into account future debugging / maintenance / operations expenses.

What are your costs for the self-managed Airflow + the Glue Jobs it's triggering?

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skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Answering @mauricebrg , the updated cost is literally of just the computation of running the airflow ecs services, approximately $400-$500 per month. Using MWAA is a more painless setup yes, but there is not much maintainance needed to our self-managed airflow once we have set it up.

Again, our airflow is not triggering any glue jobs, rather we have written DAGs for airflow that mimic our glue jobs and run it on airflow workers using celery. Kindly read the blog for further details!

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mauricebrg profile image
Maurice Borgmeier

That means your savings are coming from you changing how you do ETL. IMO the more interesting story is how you replaced Glue Jobs that run some Spark-stuff with DAGs on Containers.

imthedeveloper profile image

Interesting read.

There's a discussion I found here about some people having pro/cons for Aws managed airflow vs. running your own like you have

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Haha yes I had read this, MWAA be expensive fr!

rajan_guptaraj_55b43d2 profile image
Rajan Gupta (Raj)

Hi Akash,
It is really a good read.
But still I have some clarity needed. After moving to Apache Airflow from GLUE Workflow management; where have you run the actual spark cluster to process the ETL? Is it still using GLUE or EMR of AWS? If it is still using GLUE then, how the cost has reduced by 96%; also just moving workflow to Apache Airflow?
I also have a setup of multiple ETL jobs which usages the S3, GLUE 4.0, GLUE workflow, CloudWatch for logging & monitoring, to send email for a job notification. We have four stages RAW store on S3 as a flat file, Bronze in Parquet on S3, Silver in Parquet on S3, and Gold in Parquet on S3. Our ETL jobs run daily for 6 hours to ingest the new data from RAW stage to other various stages for the delta data/files. We RUN three GLUE jobs parallelly. Each GLUE JOB usages 12 worker Nodes of Spark Cluster (each node 8 vcpu, 16GB RAM and roughly 96 GB SSD). So for three Glue Jobs which run in parallel; we use 12 * 3 = 36 nodes. But, all these nodes spawn when needed for the spark jobs because it is AWS Elastic Map Reduce (EMR).
I hope we are doing right. Please suggest.
But still my query is:
1.) After moving to Apache Airflow; where the ETLs spark jobs are running in your case?
2.) How many nodes of spark worker nodes you people are using?
3.) Where is your Spark worker cluster?
Can we connect on whatsapp quickly: +63 9628674764. I am in Manila, PH right now.
Raj Gupta

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Hi Raj, I have answered your queries and follow up questions on linkedin, do let me know if any more clarifications are needed!

narayan_prajapat profile image
Narayan Prajapat

Hii Akash
You have moved your pipeline from AWS glue to Airflow. But if in case any pipeline which takes to much time and huge dataset to pushed into warehouse. If you will run in Airflow that will went down because of you are moving huge dataset to warehouse.

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

That is a case we are aware of, we have setup autoscaling of the workers to handle load accordingly!

narayan_prajapat profile image
Narayan Prajapat

Which one is best approach for pipeline, moving data from database to warehouse.

  1. Entire pipeline runs on airflow (Setup auto-scaling of the worker to handle load)
  2. Read and writing we will do on AWS EMR and We will manage the pipelines on Airlfow

Please suggest your thoughts

d_aman profile image

Great article, but key thing to note is your statement that Airflow is alternative to AWS Glue.
I created this exact self managed Airflow deployment 3 years back using ansible:

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Alternative? Yes but with its tradeoffs and circus haha!

kitarp29 profile image
Pratik Singh

Great Read!! 💯

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Thank you bhaiya!

slashexx profile image

Holy moly, that's crazy work ! 🔥

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Thank you!

bibhu_prasadpala_e014143 profile image
Bibhu Prasad Pala

Did you checkout using AWS MWAA?

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Yes, but then the whole cost optimisation purpose is defeated

bibhu_prasadpala_e014143 profile image
Bibhu Prasad Pala

Awesome blog. Just curious if you have tested and documented cost difference between mwaa and your current setup. Surely this number will help others to figure out what should they go for a rough estimate will also make sense.Thanks

Thread Thread
skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Yes we did actually, I can't share the exact numbers but while we achieved a 96% reduction using self hosted airflow, MMWA would only give us a max of 30% -35% reduction in cost. This estimate is subject to vary tho

assaads profile image
assaad salameh

Nice stuff.
Why didn't you use fargate instead of ec2 for ecs cluster ? Just curious

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Another Classic Case of cost optimisation decision, that's all

venky_soma profile image
Venkatesh Soma

Wonderfully written. How often do we forget alternatives to otherwise serverless offerings from cloud providers which reduce the cost drastically.

skysingh04 profile image
Akash Singh

Exactly! A classic example of Vendor Lock-In

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