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Jakub Skoneczny

Full Stack Web Developer (React, Node, PHP). In spare time, I enjoy playing the guitar and reading about space.


Software Developer at Netguru

IsEven API - SaaS platform for checking if number is even 🚀

IsEven API - SaaS platform for checking if number is even 🚀

Comments 5
3 min read

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Control your Monorepo 🗄️

Control your Monorepo 🗄️

Comments 7
5 min read
A weekly dose of best resources and articles for a full stack web developer 🔥 #2

A weekly dose of best resources and articles for a full stack web developer 🔥 #2

3 min read
Run Git commands from Node.js application using JavaScript! 🚀

Run Git commands from Node.js application using JavaScript! 🚀

Comments 1
3 min read
A weekly dose of best resources and articles for a full stack web developer 🔥 #1

A weekly dose of best resources and articles for a full stack web developer 🔥 #1

3 min read
The easiest way to internationalize your NextJS application! 🌎

The easiest way to internationalize your NextJS application! 🌎

Comments 3
2 min read
I've rebuilt my portfolio. Now it loads in less than 1 sec! Here's how I did it! ⚡

I've rebuilt my portfolio. Now it loads in less than 1 sec! Here's how I did it! ⚡

Comments 16
5 min read
Future of state management in React with XState

Future of state management in React with XState

5 min read
Deploy scalable NodeJS application with Postgres database using AWS CDK

Deploy scalable NodeJS application with Postgres database using AWS CDK

Comments 2
6 min read
Introduction to State Machines with XState and React

Introduction to State Machines with XState and React

1 min read