Originally posted on my blog
Server Sents Events are realtime events sent from the server to the client. It's a way to subscribe to a data stream sent by a server. Basically, it is a long-running HTTP connection with a particular mime type. Contrary to WebSocket, Server-Sent Events are unidirectional which clients subscribe to a channel and get data from the server. Updates for the data are pushed to the client in realtime as they occur, so the client doesn't need to initiate any requests. When using SSE, we should consider these:
- Requests can be redirected HTTP 301(permanent) & 307(temporary)
- Only UTF-8 decoding is supported, no binary data
- Protocol supports multiple type of events, default is message
- Clients always reconnect (no need to handle)
- Server sends HTTP 204 No Content to stop reconnection
- Limited amount of global connections per site
Server Implementation:
Implementing it on the server is pretty easy. All we need to do is running an endless loop. Inside the loop, we should set the somespecial HTTP headers and push the data to the response every 2 seconds:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env,
ILogger<Startup> loggerDebug, Datasource datasource)
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapGet("/stream", async context =>
var response = context.Response;
response.Headers.Add("connection", "keep-alive");
response.Headers.Add("cach-control", "no-cache");
response.Headers.Add("content-type", "text/event-stream");
while (true)
await response.Body
.WriteAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"data: {JsonSerializer.Serialize(datasource.GetData())}\n\n"));
await response.Body.FlushAsync();
await Task.Delay(2 * 1000);
Here's also a Node.js version of the server:
app.get("/stream", (req, res) => {
"Content-Type": "text/event-stream",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache",
Connection: "keep-alive",
// enabling CORS
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept",
setInterval(() => {
res.write(`data: ${JSON.stringify(getData())}\n\n`)
}, 2000)
As you can see, we are sending the data in a specific format:
data: My message\n\n
Frontend Implementation
Implementing it on the client is fairly easy. All we need to do is making use of EventSource
API, which is a standard interface to interact with the Server-Sent Events protocol. It basically opens a persistent connection to our HTTP server. The cool thing about the API is that it keeps the connection open until we call EventSource.close()
import React from "react"
const ProductList = () => {
const [data, setData] = React.useState([] as any)
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-GB", {
style: "currency",
currency: "gbp",
React.useEffect(() => {
let eventSource = new EventSource("http://localhost:5000/stream")
eventSource.onmessage = e => updateProdutList(JSON.parse(e.data))
}, [])
const updateProdutList = (product: any) => {
return (
<table className="table table-hover">
<thead className="thead-dark">
{data.map((p: any) => (
<tr key={p.Id}>
export { ProductList }
Here we have passed in the SSE endpoint URL to the EventSource
constructor. It then goes and establishes the communication channel between the React app and the server. Then we added onmessage
event handler which is called when new data is received. updateProdutList
is responsible for updating the state so once the data is received we update the state with the latest data. The process of subscribing to the endpoint happens once the ProductList
component is mounted; that's why we used useEffect
inside the component.
You can see the output here
Source code (https://github.com/SirwanAfifi/realtime)
Top comments (4)
Great write up! Does anyone use Server-Sent Events in their projects? If yes, for which use cases? This video dives into the main building blocks of Server-Sent Events in Go.
Should you use a cleanup function in the useEffect so that when the component unmounts you are no longer subscribed to the EventSource?
I noticed that in the Node.js implementation, even if the client closes the connection, the setInterval function will continue running. I made an edit so it handles connection closures:
Perfect, thanks, I updated the source code on GitHub