DEV Community

Tim Bendt
Tim Bendt

Posted on • Originally published at on

Weeknotes #2


Fixed design bugs on, more responsive, using tachyons.

Had to figure out how to tell if a slot is empty on a Vue component (TS class).

public get hasDefaultSlot() {
    return !!this.$slots.default;

It’s 2019 and CSS is awesome. But, we still can’t prevent orphan words when wrapping lines of text.

Have you tried Sublime Merge? I opened it again today – I like it, but I think I still prefer fork.


I’m using the AWS Amplify SDK, and it’s pretty decent. Fully featured authentication implementation. Their docs are nice, and they ship Vue and Reat UI components.


A super usefuly way to get basic SVG icons quickly


Doing a lot of Git rebase from multiple developers.

Trying to get fontawesome-vue to actually do treeshaking… with limited success.


An article about running puppeteer automatically

A good starting place for automated chrome screenshots

Lot’s of time automating visual regressing tests.

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