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Mykola Zozuliak
Mykola Zozuliak

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Concurrent-ruby (async) S3 files download


Let’s say we need to traverse through thousands of files in our S3 Storage in a Ruby app. Let’s say we have a bunch of logs there that we need to read every day and process. If we just use a straightforward approach, like opening, reading, and processing every file one by one, our solution will work, but It will take a lot of time to process. So we need to improve the speed. Here ruby-concurrent gem is our helper Why do we need this gem? Because It’s simpler to use than Threads and this gem has a lot more features in It. In this article, we will use Concurrent::Promises.future as the most common use of concurrent code. Because reading a file from S3 is an IO operation, we can get a huge benefit in speed if we gonna use concurrent code doing HTTP requests. Remember that concurrency will not give you speed improvements if in every Promise or Thread you will do any calculations. Because of Ruby GIL, every thread will be blocked until calculations are finished.


Step 1
Let’s start building our small project. First, let’s add needed gems:

gem 'concurrent-ruby'
gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '~> 1'
gem 'dotenv', groups: [:development, :test]
gem 'benchmark'
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Summary of added gems:

  • concurrent-ruby — our main instrument to write concurrent code as described above
  • aws-sdk-s3 — official AWS S3 SDK gem to work with S3 Storage
  • dotenv — a great gem that helps you put our secret keys in .env file on your local machine. We need this to configure AWS SDK as described here benchmark — to measure the speed

Step 2
To read files from S3, let’s create a new Ruby class — S3Storage:

class S3Storage
  attr_reader :bucket_name

  def initialize(bucket_name)
    @bucket_name = bucket_name

  def get_files(keys)
    keys.each_with_object([]) do |key, events|
      events << bucket.objects(prefix: key).to_a


  def client
    @_client ||=

  def bucket
    @_bucket ||=, client: client)
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Here we need to traverse through all files (objects) in needed folders (keys). This part is needed because we don’t know how many files are there, but don’t worry. With this approach, we will have an array of ObjectSummary objects. Basically, it’s a pointer to a file that contains file metadata, but It does not include file content.

Now let’s create a method to read files in a certain folder and then open the first 100 of them to measure a code performance without the use of concurrency:

def process
  s3_storage ='bucket-name')
  files = s3_storage.get_files(['path/folder-one', 'path/folder-two'])
  Benchmark.measure do
    files.first(100).each { |file| }
    # here we just open files, in real project you can parse them and process they way you need
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The results are (total is 7.2 seconds):

0.525316   0.096526   0.621842 (  7.241752)
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So the next step is doing the same but with concurrency:

THREADS_COUNT = 5 # we are testing with 5 threads

def process_with_threads(objects)
  objects.each_slice(THREADS_COUNT) do |logs|
    futures = do |log, i|
      Concurrent::Promises.future do
        # here we just open files, in real project you can parse them and process they way you need
    # we are composing 5 promises into one and then reading value from every one*futures).value! if futures
    # when you call value! method, it means you are accessing the data in a promise

def process_concurrent
  s3_storage ='bucket-name')
  files = s3_storage.get_files(['path/folder-one', 'path/folder-two'])
  Benchmark.measure do
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The results are (total is 2.9 seconds):

 0.444163   0.055578   0.499741 (  2.970004)
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As you can see, with this approach you can easily speed up the reading files procedure using concurrency. I have run the same tests, but for 1000 files and the difference is even bigger in this case.

No concurenncy: 5.388176   0.716480   6.104656 ( 89.667263)
Concurrency: 3.732760   0.476933   4.209693 ( 24.761635)
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PS: in my testing, I am using small .txt files that have S3 access logs in them, so that is another reason why reading those files does not take a lot of time.

So, take advantage of concurrency in Ruby for the tasks that It feets the most — like IO (input-output). Examples of such operations are:

  • HTTP requests
  • DB requests
  • Reading a file

A copy of my original post:

Top comments (3)

pimp_my_ruby profile image
Pimp My Ruby

Hi! Thanks for the post,

I already thought that parallelize HTTP request was a bit risky because of the huuuge number of unhandled errors you can have based a simple HTTP call.
Let's imagine that you have 100 000 files you want to deal with. How can you benchmark the maximum number of threads you can use without starting to have like dead process or anything?

sirnicholas profile image
Mykola Zozuliak

Well, we are using Promises from concurrent ruby for 10 years now in our app for different type of requests. S3, Api calls, etc. We never had an issue with memory leaks or something. In my example, if any request will fail, code will raise an exception and all threads will be cleared. About the number of threads that should be used - I wasn’t able to find any real arguments that stands for any number to be used. Just the more you use, the more memory will be used too, just try to be reasonable with the number of threads)

pimp_my_ruby profile image
Pimp My Ruby

Thanks a lot for your feedback !!!