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Joseph Ibeh
Joseph Ibeh

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Building an NBA Game Day Notification System with AWS Lambda, SNS & EventBridge

🏀 NBA Game Day Notification System

This project is an AWS Lambda-powered notification system that sends NBA game updates via Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service). It fetches game details from and notifies subscribed users via email. The function runs on a scheduled Amazon EventBridge rule.


  • Fetches NBA game data from API
  • Sends real-time updates on game status, scores, and channels
  • Uses AWS Lambda, SNS, and EventBridge for automation
  • Supports multiple game statuses: Final, In Progress, and Scheduled


Before deploying, ensure you have:

  • AWS Account with Lambda, SNS, and EventBridge permissions
  • API Key (Create a free API key here)
  • Email Subscription to the SNS topic

Setup Instructions

1️⃣ Create an SNS Topic

  • Open AWS SNS and create a new topic named gd_topic.
  • Subscribe an email address to this topic and confirm the email subscription.

sns topic

subscribe topic

2️⃣ Create an IAM Role for Lambda

  • Open IAMRolesCreate Role.
  • Select AWS Service → Lambda.
  • Attach the AmazonSNSFullAccess policy.
  • Create a custom JSON policy with the following:
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "sns:Publish",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:gd_topic"
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Replace XXXXXXXXXXXX with your AWS Account ID.

  • Name the role gd_lambda_role and attach it to your Lambda function.

role and policy

3️⃣ Deploy the AWS Lambda Function

  • Navigate to AWS LambdaCreate FunctionAuthor from Scratch.
  • Function Name: gd_notification
  • Runtime: Python 3.13
  • Attach gd_lambda_role to the function.
  • Paste the following Python script into the function editor:
import os
import json
import urllib.request
import boto3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone

# Function to format NBA game data
def format_game_data(game):
    status = game.get("Status", "Unknown")
    away_team = game.get("AwayTeam", "Unknown")
    home_team = game.get("HomeTeam", "Unknown")
    final_score = f"{game.get('AwayTeamScore', 'N/A')}-{game.get('HomeTeamScore', 'N/A')}"
    start_time = game.get("DateTime", "Unknown")
    channel = game.get("Channel", "Unknown")

    if status == "Final":
        return f"Game Status: {status}\n{away_team} vs {home_team}\nFinal Score: {final_score}\nStart Time: {start_time}\nChannel: {channel}\n"
    elif status == "InProgress":
        return f"Game Status: {status}\n{away_team} vs {home_team}\nCurrent Score: {final_score}\nChannel: {channel}\n"
    elif status == "Scheduled":
        return f"Game Status: {status}\n{away_team} vs {home_team}\nStart Time: {start_time}\nChannel: {channel}\n"
        return f"Game Status: {status}\n{away_team} vs {home_team}\nDetails are unavailable.\n"

# Lambda function handler
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    api_key = os.getenv("NBA_API_KEY")
    sns_topic_arn = os.getenv("SNS_TOPIC_ARN")
    sns_client = boto3.client("sns")

    utc_now =
    today_date = (utc_now - timedelta(hours=6)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    api_url = f"{today_date}?key={api_key}"

        with urllib.request.urlopen(api_url) as response:
            data = json.loads(
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error fetching data: {e}")
        return {"statusCode": 500, "body": "Error fetching data"}

    messages = [format_game_data(game) for game in data]
    final_message = "\n---\n".join(messages) if messages else "No games available for today."

        sns_client.publish(TopicArn=sns_topic_arn, Message=final_message, Subject="NBA Game Updates")
        print("Message published to SNS successfully.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error publishing to SNS: {e}")
        return {"statusCode": 500, "body": "Error publishing to SNS"}

    return {"statusCode": 200, "body": "Data processed and sent to SNS"}
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python script

  • Click Deploy.


  • Add Environment Variables:

    • NBA_API_KEY: Your API Key
    • SNS_TOPIC_ARN: ARN of your SNS Topic (e.g., arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:gd_topic)

env variable

  • Increase timeout under General Configuration to 5 seconds or more.


4️⃣ Test the Lambda Function

  • Click Test, create a test event, and run it.
  • Check your email inbox for an NBA game update notification!

Email update

5️⃣ Automate with AWS EventBridge

  • Open Amazon EventBridgeCreate Rule
  • Rule Name: gd_rule
  • Schedule Pattern:
  0 9-23/2,0-2/2 * * ? *
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(Runs every 2 hours from 9 AM - 11 PM UTC and 12 AM - 2 AM UTC)

  • Target: AWS Lambda → NBA-GameDay-Notifier
  • Click Create Rule.

Event bridge

Email Notification


update 2


  • AWS SNS sends game notifications to subscribed emails.
  • AWS Lambda fetches NBA data and publishes updates.
  • Amazon EventBridge schedules function execution.

Top comments (1)

tony_uketui_6cca68c7eba02 profile image
Anthony Uketui

Great Article man ✨