Welcome! In this series, I try to oversimplify CS concepts in an attempt to help us all better understand them. Thanks for your time, enjoy!
What are variables?
Variables are names we assign to storage slots in our computers memory.
- In the picture above, imagine each container is a slot of memory in our computer.
- The food itself is data sitting in a slot of memory.
- The labels are variable names we give to that slot of memory.
How do we use variables?
- We use variables to retrieve data sitting in named storage slots
num1 = 1900 // Save 1900 in storage and name the slot num1
num2 = 121 // Save 121 in storage and name the slot num2
sum(num1 + num2) // Add data in storage slots num1 & num2
What are the benefits of using variables?
- Use simple names to evaluate complex expressions
- Rename any storage slot that's holding data
- Replace the data in any storage slot
- Use a single name for similar values in a list of data
Descriptive Variable Naming (... and why it's important!)
- In my second attempt to oversimplify using a food analogy:
- Sugar and Salt look the same but they taste completely different
- It is important that we put them in properly labeled containers or we might get weird tasting food.
- It is also important that we put data in properly named storage slots or we will get weird expression results / errors.
- Inaccurate variable names will confuse other developers and your future self, which could lead to unexpected results & bugs
As mundane as variables seem, using them properly is crucial to being a good developer.
BONUS: Variable Typing
- Some programming languages require us to explicitly define what data type the variables storage slot will hold.
int num1 = 1900 // Variable that only stores integers
str str1 = "A string" // Variable that only stores strings
- Typing helps productivity by showing us errors when we use a variable incorrectly (Ex: Adding a boolean variable and an integer variable).
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