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Ahmet Burhan Simsek
Ahmet Burhan Simsek

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Learning C# Programming Language

C# is a well-liked and effective programming language that is frequently used for creating a range of applications, including desktop, web, mobile, gaming, and more. C# is a popular contemporary object-oriented language that is renowned for its ease of use, expressiveness, and strong support for component-based development. Learning C# is a useful ability that can lead to a variety of professional prospects, whether you’re a novice or seasoned programmer. This article will walk you through the steps of learning C#, from grasping its fundamentals to examining its more sophisticated features and recommended practices. It will go over issues including establishing a programming environment, comprehending the syntax and data kinds of C#, and utilizing classes, objects, and collections.

How to start learning C# programming language?

You may wish to take into account the following actions while you begin studying C# programming language:

1- Install a programming environment first. Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code are two solutions for creating C# apps. Any of these settings are available for free download and installation.

2- Start by studying the fundamentals of C#, including variables, data types, loops, and declarative statements. Online classes, tutorials, and documentation are just a few of the numerous tools that are accessible to you to help you get started with the fundamentals.

3- Writing code is the greatest technique for learning any programming language. Try implementing new ideas as you learn them in your own programs.

4- Get to know the.NET framework. The.NET framework, which C# is a part of, offers a wide range of libraries and tools that you may utilize in your C# apps. The.NET framework and its many components should be familiarized with in order to get the most of C#.

5- Learn more complex ideas: As you gain confidence in C# fundamentals, you may graduate to understanding more complex ideas like object-oriented programming, database programming, and web development. Online resources abound that can assist you in learning these complex subjects.

What is .Net ?

Microsoft created the software framework known as .Net, which is widely used with Windows.

The .Net Framework Class Library is a sizable library of pre-written code that developers may utilize in their own applications, as well as a runtime environment for .Net applications.

The runtime environment that controls how .Net programs are executed is called the CLR. It is in charge of supervising code execution, allocating memory, and enforcing security. The CLR loads the.Net program and all of its dependencies into memory before executing the application’s code.

Developers may include pre-written code into their own applications by using the .Net Framework Class Library. It has a wide variety of features, including developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs), networking, and data access. Namespaces, which bring together similar kinds (classes, interfaces, structures, etc.), are used to organize the .Net Framework Class Library.

C#, Visual Basic, or F# are a few examples of .Net-compatible languages that are frequently used to create .Net applications. These languages are combined to create Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), an intermediate language that the CLR can run. This enables programmers to use their preferred language to create apps while still being able to use the .Net runtime and class library.

The fact that .Net is made to be language-agnostic, or compatible with a wide range of programming languages, is one of its main advantages. Instead of being limited to a single language, this enables developers to select the one that best suits their needs.

As an alternative to the .Net Framework, Microsoft now provides .Net Core, a cross-platform version of .Net that can be used to create apps for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It is simpler to deploy and manage apps because .Net Core is meant to be lightweight and modular.

What is C

The object-oriented, straightforward, and contemporary C# programming language was created by Microsoft. This language, along with others like Visual Basic and F#, may be used to create .Net applications.

Where to find C# learning resources ?

There are several free resources accessible to learn C# programming. Here are some of them:

  • Microsoft Docs: Microsoft has a large collection of documentation and tutorials for learning C#, including interactive tutorials and code samples. You can find them at **

  • Tutorials Point: This website offers a comprehensive tutorial on C#, along with code samples and interactive examples. You can find it at **

  • *C# Station: **This website offers a variety of tutorials and examples for learning C#, along with a forum where you can ask questions and get help. You can find it at *

  • Udemy: Udemy is an online course provider that offers many C# courses, many of them are free and some others are paid. You can find them by searching in

  • Coursera: Coursera is another online course provider that offers many C# courses, some of them are free and some others are paid. You can find them by searching in **

  • YouTube: There are many YouTube channels that offer C# tutorials and coding examples, you can search for C# ****or CSharp and find many tutorials, from beginner to advanced level.

How popular is C# in software development area?

The popular programming language C# is widely used in the development industry to create a wide range of applications, including desktop, web, mobile, and game applications.

C# consistently ranks in the top 10 of most popular programming languages, according to the **TIOBE Index**, which measures the popularity of programming languages based on the volume of search engine results.

The top 10 most popular programming languages in early 2023 are:
1- Python (.py)
2- C (.c)
3- C++ (.cpp)
4- Java (.java)
5- C# (.cs)
6- Visual Basic (.vb)
7- Javascript (.js)
8- SQL (.sql)
9- Assembly Language (.asm)
10- PHP (.php)

*****Note that the order of each language might vary based on the metrics used for measuring popularity. (Ref:

Because it provides strong performance, a sizable class library, and seamless integration with other Microsoft technologies like .Net and Visual Studio, C# is also widely used in enterprise development, particularly for creating Windows desktop and web applications.

Additionally, *C# is an increasingly popular choice for creating cross-platform applications and cloud-based services due to the recent release of *.Net Core and its open-source nature; it can be used with Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Moreover, the expansion of C# based game development tools like Unity **and **Unreal Engine has increased the language’s acceptance in the gaming sector.

Overall, C# is a strong and versatile language that is appropriate for a variety of development scenarios, which attracts developers and keeps it in demand.

What are the benefits of C# ?

  • It is a powerful and flexible language that can be used to build a wide range of applications, including web, mobile, desktop, and games.

  • It is a widely-used language, with a large and active developer community, so there are many resources available for learning and troubleshooting.

  • It is a modern language that includes features like garbage collection, type inference, and LINQ, which make it easier to write efficient and maintainable code.

  • It is a language with strong support from Microsoft, so you can use it to build applications that run on the Windows platform and take advantage of Microsoft’s developer tools and services.

A simple C# program to demonstrate some of the basics of the language, variables, data types and basic operations:

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare variables
            int x = 5; // Integer variable
            double y = 3.14; // Double variable
            string name = "John Doe"; // String variable

            // Perform basic operations
            int sum = x + (int)y; // Cast double to int and add
            double difference = y - x;
            double product = x * y;
            double quotient = y / x;
            Console.WriteLine("x = " + x);
            Console.WriteLine("y = " + y);
            Console.WriteLine("name = " + name);
            Console.WriteLine("sum = " + sum);
            Console.WriteLine("difference = " + difference);
            Console.WriteLine("product = " + product);
            Console.WriteLine("quotient = " + quotient);
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Let’s see what is happening in the code above ☝

1- The first line using System; is a using directive to include 
the System namespace which is a fundamental part of the .NET Framework 
and includes types that provide access to system functionality.

2- Next, we have a namespace definition namespace ConsoleApp1. 
A namespace is a container that holds a set of related types.

3- Inside that namespace, we have a class definition class Program. 
A class is a blueprint for an object, and it is the fundamental building 
block of object-oriented programming.

4- Inside the class, there's a method called Main, this is the entry 
point of the program, the method where the execution of the program 
begins and where it ends.

5- Inside the Main method, the first thing we do is declare some 
variables int x = 5, double y = 3.14 and string name = "John"

6- Then, we perform some basic operations on these variables like 
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and store the results 
in new variables.

7- Finally, we use the Console.WriteLine() method to print the values of 
the variables to the console, and Console.ReadLine() to wait for the user 
to press enter before the program ends.
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You can run this code by creating a new Console App project in visual studio, then paste the above code into the Main method of the Program.cs file and run it.

Common variable types in C

The most popular variable types in C# are listed below, along with examples of how to declare each one:

int: A 32-bit signed integer. i.e: int x = 5;
double: A 64-bit floating-point number. i.e: double y = 3.14;
bool: A Boolean value (true or false). i.e: bool flag = true;
string: A string of characters. i.e: string name = "John Doe";
char: A single character. i.e: char firstInitial = 'J';
decimal: A 128-bit precise decimal number. i.e: decimal myValue = 123.45m;

You can also create your own custom types by creating classes, interfaces, 
enumerations and structures.
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  • It’s also important to note that C# is a statically-typed language, which means that you must declare a variable’s data type, as shown in the examples above.

Additionally, you will discover that some new C# features, such as the var variable type found in C# 7.0 and higher, allow you to instruct the compiler to determine the variable type based on the value you assign to it. For instance:

var x = 5;
var name = "John Doe";
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You can use var **keyword when the type of the variable is obvious from the right side of the assignment, this feature is called **type inference.

How to install a development environment for C# ?

Microsoft Visual Studio is the most popular of the development environments available for writing and running C# code.

1- First, you need to download and install Visual Studio on your computer. You can download the Community edition for free from the Visual Studio website: **

2- After downloading and installing Visual Studio, you can open it and create a new project. To create a new project, click on the “Create a new project” button or select “File” > “New” > “Project” from the menu.

3- In the “Create a new project” window, you’ll see a list of project templates to choose from. To create a C# console application, select the “Console App (.Net Core)” template under “Console” and choose a location to save your project.

4- Once you have created a new project, you will see the main window of the development environment, it includes a code editor that you can use to write your C# code, and several other windows that give you access to other features of the development environment such as a solution explorer and a properties window.

5- You can start by editing the **Main **method of the program class. This is where your code will begin executing.

6- To run the code, you need to press the Start button or press F5 key. This will build the code and start the program in debug mode and open a console window to show the output of the program.

These are the fundamental steps for using Visual Studio to start a brand-new C# console application. Other features offered by Visual Studio include IntelliSense, code navigation, debugging; you can explore them to improve your coding experience as you involve more to the development environment.

It’s also important to note that you have the option of using other environments, such as **Visual Studio Code. Microsoft created this portable and cross-platform code editor. It can be used with C# and has a large library of extensions. You can use other open source development environments like **MonoDevelop or *JetBrains Rider *as well.

As a conclusion

Learning C# is a wise investment in your future as a programmer. The language strikes an excellent balance between ease of use and power, making it an excellent choice for a variety of development scenarios. The fundamentals of C# have been covered in this article, including setting up a development environment, comprehending the syntax and data types, and working with classes, objects, and collections.

It’s important to remember that practice is the key to mastering any programming language as you move forward with your C# learning. You can keep shaping your skills and developing as a C# developer by writing code, experimenting with novel features, and resolving practical issues. Additionally, there are a ton of tools and communities available online where you can ask for assistance, impart your wisdom, and find inspiration for fresh adventures. You can enter a wide range of opportunities in the software development industry by learning C#, and with perseverance and commitment, you can master this potent programming language.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this article and showing an interest in programming in C# 🤗
I sincerely hope it was instructive and useful to you. Please get in touch with me if you have any questions or need more explanation on any of the topics covered.
On your journey to learning C#, I would be more than happy to help you in any way I can and guide you through any obstacles you may encounter.

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