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Discussion on: 4 Things Developers Take for Granted That Used to Be Really Hard

simonhaisz profile image

I believe that there are pros and cons for both types of code reviews, which I will refer to as sync and async. Depending on your situation one may work better than the other for you.


  1. Everyone is focused 100% on the review
  2. Questions can be answered immediately - "I don't know" is a valid answer
  3. No context switching during the review means efficiency That's all great, so even after we got software that supported async we kept doing sync. But then we ran into the following cons so we switched.


  1. Requires reviewers to find time when both of them are available at the same time.
  2. It can take a while for the reviewer to process the changes so that they can even start asking questions. All the while the writer is just sitting there waiting...
  3. ...Which lead to their frustration sub-consciuosly influencing the reviewer to 'hurry up and approve' without them saying a word. During this time we had a number of bugs crop up that were the exact types of issues that code reviews are best at catching. Our RCA of this was that the nature of sync reviews put more pressure on the reviewers to approve changes quickly, meaning they were disincentivised to go "I'm not sure, I need to think about this for a bit". Now, depending on your team/culture maybe this doesn't happen to you.

What we've experienced from async

  1. Allows people to review on their own time/pace, including remotely
  2. Not having someone waiting next to you while you review means you do not feel rushed (any more than the current schedule anyways)
  3. Documented feedback means a) things are likely to be followed up b) others can learn from the review
  4. If the reviewer needs to have a face to face discussion, they can still do that! It's not uncommon for me to add a comment "I'm confused/concerned about this approach" and then meet with them
  5. It's easier to review code not in the review using my own machine/setup rather than all to drive on their box.


  1. Promptness of response can really lag
  2. Someone can technically click the green check mark without looking at a single line of code Depending upon the maturity of your team those may be big issues or not issues at all.
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rubberduck profile image
Christopher McClellan • Edited

I was just making a joke about pair programming man. I’ve been on teams that don’t do code reviews anymore because we pair anyway.

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simonhaisz profile image

Ugh woosh right over my head...

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jrohatiner profile image

Very thorough explanation. And accurate as well. Namaste!