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Discussion on: Is reduce() bad?

simme profile image

In what way do .reduce() add complexity while .map() and .filter() reduce it? It would be awesome if you'd care to expand on this. 😅

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lucianohgo profile image
Luciano H. Gomes

Ofc, .map() and .filter() are very clear on intention and have a simpler API to grasp. e.g.:

Code showing how .map doesn't complicate the API
*Taken from *

While .reduce() is less readable (unless when used for things that are simple like simple arithmetical operations). e.g.

Code showing how to log in order with and without reduce
Taken from:

Of course, those are examples, and we can find ones in which .reduce() wouldn't harm readability so much as the one above. But for most use cases I've seen in the wild, it does. It simply is harder to read and reason about to a lot of people. That's why even though I can understand it, I steer clear from using it. In general, Code will be read a lot more times than it will be written so even when we have to add one or two extra lines, they are usually easily paid for ten-fold by gains in readability :)

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vonheikemen profile image

Ofc, .map() and .filter() are very clear on intention

Funny that you say that because .reduce is a really good name. It can be used for many things but the ideal use case it's in the name.

and have a simpler API to grasp.

Sure, both .map and .filter are easier to explain because they focus on individual items and nothing more. Now .reduce is another story, it can transform the entire array into something else so you can say that it has a bigger scope.

About those snippets.

Of course, those are examples, and we can find ones in which .reduce() wouldn't harm readability so much as the one above. But for most use cases I've seen in the wild, it does. It simply is harder to read and reason about to a lot of people.

Showing complex (sometimes bad) examples and putting the blame on .reduce doesn't do anyone a favor. It makes harder for people to see what is good for.

While .reduce() is less readable (unless when used for things that are simple like simple arithmetical operations)

That's what I'm talking about, it doesn't look like you know when it's safe to use. Arithmetical operations are just an example, the pattern that you should be looking for is a function that combines two values of the same type. In the second snippet on logInOrder, that is exactly what happens. We can improve the readability on that snippet if we recognize that pattern.

function logInOrder(urls) {
  // fetch all the URLs in parallel
  const textPromises = => {
    return fetch(url).then(resp => resp.text());

  // Combine two promises and log the result of the second
  const chainPromises = (firstTask, secondTask) => {
    return firstTask.then(() => secondTask).then(console.log);

  // log them in sequence
  return textPromises.reduce(chainPromises, Promise.resolve());

The first thing we do is stop trying to do everything in one expression. The other thing you might notice is that the callback chainPromises doesn't treat the data like a special snowflake inside a .reduce, it's a generic function that takes two promises and returns a new one. When you add .reduce into the mix it should become clear we are reducing an array of promises into a single promise. That said, I still think this is a bad use case for .reduce because the goal of the function is to produce a side effect, that alone should exclude it as the right tool in this case.

I want to say more but I think this is enough for now. If anyone wants to know more, I wrote about it here: Reduce: how and when.