Cheers! 🥂
I'm Silviu Vladut, software engineer with focus on web development, already in this industry for 3 years.
Besides that, I have a company that offer outsourcing/outstaffing in Web Development & Cloud area.
The main idea from this post is to make a discussion and to share together our tips & tricks regarding search for a contract process.
So, I will be the first and my sources for finding new contracts are:
LinkedIn Jobs
For me, LinkedIn it's like a facebook, but for "corporation people", basically on the Jobs rubric I think are a loot of opportunities.
The second source of jobs I think are friends and developers from your closed group.
The first platform on google search if you'll type "frontend jobs remote", for me this platform had success 2 years ago.
Another platform with focus on United States jobs.
So, what's yours? 🤔
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