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Ahmed Boutaraa
Ahmed Boutaraa

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14 Systems Quality Attributes

A Quality Attribute (QA) is a measurable or testable property of a system that is used to indicate how well the system satisfies the needs of its stakeholders. You can think of a quality attribute as measuring the "goodness" of a product along some dimension of interest to a stakeholder.

Availability refers to the ability of the system to be available for use, especially after a fault occurs. The fault must be recognized (or prevented) and then the system must respond in some fashion. The response desired will depend on the criticality of the application and the type of fault and can range from “ignore it” to “keep on going as if it didn’t occur.” Tactics for availability are categorized into detect faults, recover from faults and prevent faults. Detection tactics depend, essentially, on detecting signs of life from various components. Recovery tactics are some combination of retrying an operation or maintaining redundant data or computations. Prevention tactics depend either on removing elements from service or utilizing mechanisms to limit the scope of faults.

Interoperability refers to the ability of systems to usefully exchange information. These systems may have been constructed with the intention of exchanging information, they may be existing systems that are desired to exchange information, or they may provide general services without knowing the details of the systems that wish to utilize those services. The general scenario for interoperability provides the details of these different cases. In any interoperability case, the goal is to intentionally exchange information or reject the request to exchange information. Achieving interoperability involves the relevant systems locating each other and then managing the interfaces so that they can exchange information

Modifiability deals with change and the cost in time or money of making a change, including the extent to which this modification affects other functions or quality attributes. Changes can be made by developers, installers, or end-users, and these changes need to be prepared for. There is a cost of preparing for change as well as a cost of making a change. The modifiability tactics are designed to prepare for subsequent changes. Tactics to reduce the cost of making a change include making modules smaller, increasing cohesion, and reducing coupling. Deferring binding will also reduce the cost of making a change. Reducing coupling is a standard category of tactics that includes encapsulating, using an intermediary, restricting dependencies, co-locating related responsibilities, refactoring, and abstracting common services. Increasing cohesion is another standard tactic that involves separating responsibilities that do not serve the same purpose. Defer binding is a category of tactics that affect build time, load time, initialization time, or runtime.

Performance is about the management of system resources in the face of particular types of demand to achieve acceptable timing behavior. Performance can be measured in terms of throughput and latency for both interactive and embedded real-time systems, although throughput is usually more important in interactive systems, and latency is more important in embedded systems. Performance can be improved by reducing demand or by managing resources more appropriately. Reducing demand will have the side effect of reducing fidelity or refusing to service some requests. Managing resources more appropriately can be done through scheduling, replication, or just increasing the resources available.

Security Attacks against a system can be characterized as attacks against the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a system or its data. Confidentiality means keeping data away from those who should not have access while granting access to those who should. Integrity means that there are no unauthorized modifications to or deletion of data, and availability means that the system is accessible to those who are entitled to use it. The emphasis on distinguishing various classes of actors in the characterization leads to many of the tactics used to achieve security. Identifying, authenticating, and authorizing actors are tactics intended to determine which users or systems are entitled to what kind of access to a system. An assumption is made that no security tactic is foolproof and that systems will be compromised. Hence, tactics exist to detect an attack, limit the spread of any attack, and react and recover from an attack. Recovering from an attack involves many of the same tactics as availability and, in general, involves returning the system to a consistent state prior to any attack.

Testabily Ensuring that a system is easily testable has payoffs both in terms of the cost of testing and the reliability of the system. A vehicle often used to execute the tests is the test harness. Test harnesses are software systems that encapsulate test resources such as test cases and test infrastructure so that it is easy to reapply tests across iterations and it is easy to apply the test infrastructure to new increments of the system. Another vehicle is the creation of test cases prior to the development of a component so that developers know which tests their component must pass. Controlling and observing the system state is a major class of testability tactics. Providing the ability to do fault injection, to record system state at key portions of the system, to isolate the system from its environment, and to abstract various resources are all different tactics to support the control and observation of a system and its components. Complex systems are difficult to test because of the large state space in which their computations take place, and because of the larger number of interconnections among the elements of the system. Consequently, keeping the system simple is another class of tactics that supports testability.

Usability is concerned with how easy it is for the user to accomplish the desired task and the kind of user support the system provides. Over the years, a focus on usability has shown itself to be one of the cheapest and easiest ways to improve a system’s quality or precisely user’s perception of quality.
To be able to predict user or system responses, the system must keep an explicit model of the user, the system, and the task. There is a strong relationship between supporting the user interface design process and supporting modifiability; this relation is promoted by patterns that enforce the separation of the user interface from the rest of the system, such as the MVC pattern.

Variability is a special form of modifiability. It refers to the ability of a system and its supporting artifacts such as requirements, test plans, and configuration specifications to support the production of a set of variants that differ from each other in a preplanned fashion. Variability is an especially important quality attribute in a software product line, where it means the ability of a core asset to adapt to usages in the different product contexts that are within the product line scope. The goal of variability in a software product line is to make it easy to build and maintain products in the product line over a period of time. Scenarios for variability will deal with the binding time of the variation and the people's time to achieve it.

Portability is also a special form of modifiability. Portability refers to the ease with which software that was built to run on one platform can be changed to run on a different platform. Portability is achieved by minimizing platform dependencies in the software, isolating dependencies to well-identified locations, and writing the software to run on a “virtual machine” (such as a Java Virtual Machine) that encapsulates all the platform dependencies within. Scenarios describing portability deal with moving software to a new platform by expending no more than a certain level of effort or by counting the number of places in the software that would have to change.

Development distributability is the quality of designing the software to support distributed software development. Many systems these days are developed using globally distributed teams. One problem that must be overcome when developing with distributed teams in coordinating their activities. The system should be designed so that coordination among teams is minimized. This minimal coordination needs to be achieved both for the code and for the data model. Teams working on modules that communicate with each other may need to negotiate the interfaces of those modules. When a module is used by many other modules, each developed by a different team, communication and negotiation become more complex and burdensome. Similar considerations apply to the data model. Scenarios for development distributability will deal with the compatibility of the communication structures and data model of the system being developed and the coordination mechanisms of the organizations doing the development.

Scalability Two kinds of scalability are horizontal scalability and vertical scalability. Horizontal scalability (scaling out) refers to adding more resources to logical units, such as adding another server to a cluster of servers. Vertical scalability (scaling-up) refers to adding more resources to a physical unit, such as adding more memory to a single computer. The problem that arises with either type of scaling is how to effectively utilize the additional resources. Being effective means that the additional resources result in a measurable improvement of some system quality, did not require undue effort to add, and did not disrupt operations. In cloud environments, horizontal scalability is called elasticity. Elasticity is a property that enables a customer to add or remove virtual machines from the resource pool. These virtual machines are hosted on a large collection of upwards of 10,000 physical machines that are managed by the cloud provider. Scalability scenarios will deal with the impact of adding or removing resources, and the measures will reflect associated availability and the load assigned to existing and new resources.

Deployability is concerned with how an executable arrives at a host platform and how it is subsequently invoked. Some of the issues involved in deploying software are: How does it arrive at its host (push, where updates are sent to users unbidden or pull, where users must explicitly request updates)? How is it integrated into an existing system? Can this be done while the existing system is executing? Mobile systems have their own problems in terms of how they are updated, because of concerns about bandwidth. Deployment scenarios will deal with the type of update (push or pull), the form of the update (medium, such as DVD or Internet download, and packagings, such as an executable, app, or plug-in), the resulting integration into an existing system, the efficiency of executing the process, and the associated risk.

Mobility deals with the problems of movement and affordances of a platform (e.g., size, type of display, type of input devices, availability and volume of bandwidth, and battery life). Issues in mobility include battery management, reconnecting after a period of disconnection, and the number of different user interfaces necessary to support multiple platforms. Scenarios will deal with specifying the desired effects of mobility or the various affordances. Scenarios may also deal with variability, where the same software is deployed on multiple (perhaps radically different) platforms.

Monitorability deals with the ability of the operations staff to monitor the system while it is executing. Items such as queue lengths, average transaction processing time, and the health of various components should be visible to the operations staff so that they can take corrective action in case of potential problems. Scenarios will deal with a potential problem and its visibility to the operator and potential corrective action.


Quality Attributes are features that facilitate the measurement of performance of a software product or system and can help you understand your requirement for a given scenario and what to expect from each team of operation. QA is meant to give the organizations and enterprises a broader and high-level overview of the system and what optimation and constraints they should consider before moving with any implementation.

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