DEV Community

Discussion on: PageBuilder with ACF Flexible Content - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

sid0rv profile image

Hello Henrik,
Thank you for writing up these series of tutorials, very comprehensive!

I have a question regarding your starter, would it be possible to migrate from the gatsby-source-graphql plugin to gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental? I have attempted to do this myself but as a beginner I cannot make heads or tails of what is needed to rewrite the queries, resulting in some frustrating errors while trying to run my dev server.

Could you point me in the right direction?

henrikwirth profile image
Henrik Wirth

Hi Ruben. Sadly, this stack is already pretty old now. I have an example gatsby theme, that uses the new experimental version, but I don't have much time right now for a new tutorial on it. Here is the link, maybe it explains itself a bit.

sid0rv profile image

Thank you Henrik, I'll have a look at it!