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Sib sankar Bag
Sib sankar Bag

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Static Code Analysis/Code performance optimizer

Static Code Analysis/Code performance optimizer

Sib Bag LinkedLin

Salesforce Scale Center

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here are some interesting blogs already written on this topic

  1. Get AI-Powered Insights for Your Apex Code with ApexGuru
  2. Apex Guru - Optimize your code with Apexguru

Here is an example -
ApexGuru recommend for improving the performance of SOQL queries in Salesforce - Using maps to store Ids and use them in SOQL query
Here’s your best source for metadata coverage information. Be sure to select the API version that you want to view. this helps you to find the following info for all sort of metdata (

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Day 08/07/2024 -

Ensuring Code Quality with SonarQube

What is SonarQube?

SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality. It performs automatic reviews of code to detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells in your projects. By integrating a wide range of static and dynamic code analysis tools, SonarQube provides a comprehensive overview of the health of your codebase.

How to Use SonarQube

Sonarqube development process includes several automated quality checks to ensure that we consistently deliver high-quality code. One of the key components in this process is the Quality Gate provided by SonarQube.
Here's how it works:

1. Automatic Quality Gate on Pull Requests

As soon as a developer submits a pull request, SonarQube automatically kicks in to perform a thorough analysis. This includes checks for:

  • Code Smells: Detects code patterns that are potentially problematic.
  • Bugs and Vulnerabilities: Identifies errors and security gaps that need to be addressed.
  • Technical Debt: Estimates the effort required to fix issues in the code.

2. Seamless Integration with Pull Requests

Once the analysis is complete, SonarQube seamlessly integrates the results directly into the pull request. This provides immediate feedback to developers, highlighting any issues that need to be resolved before the code can be merged.

3. Mandatory Compliance

Before any code can be validated or merged into the main branch, it must pass the SonarQube Quality Gate. Failing to meet the specified quality criteria means that the pull request cannot move forward until the identified issues are addressed.

Benefits of Using SonarQube

Using SonarQube as part of our development pipeline offers several benefits:

  • Consistent Quality: Ensures that all code changes meet our predefined quality standards.
  • Early Detection: Identifies issues early in the development cycle, reducing the cost and effort required to fix them later.
  • Continuous Improvement: Provides actionable insights that help developers improve their coding practices over time.
  • Enhanced Security: Detects vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited, enhancing the security of our software.

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