DEV Community

Shun Yamada
Shun Yamada

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Use an original domain when authenticating with Google in Firebase

Not major problems but I have spent a little bit on solving this. So let me leave how to solve it.

The issue is to remain **** when Google authentication built-in FIrebase.

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My friend pointed out this. But I didn't care it because it was not too critical and it seems to be complicated to fix it out. But not difficult to solve. You can see this in the official document here.

Two points you have to change.

1) Authorized redirect URIs

Set up in Firebase, it's easy. But you have to check Google Cloud Platform when you solve this issue. See Credentials > Oauth 2.0 Client IDs. WebClient generated.

Update to an original domain in authorized redirect URIs.

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2) Firebase settings

Change authDomain section on the app to an original domain.


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