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shubham thakre
shubham thakre

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# Finally! I Created my First Portfolio! 📂🎉

For the last few months, I've been working on a personal portfolio. I've always believed that a separate portfolio is important for any dev since it connects you to future opportunities and it helps you to grow your network.

Today I deployed it on - .There's still some stuff to improve, like testing browser compatibility, tweaking some UX, etc, so it's still a WIP, for sure. But hey, everyone has to start somewhere, right?

I tried to document everything during the process and thought it would be useful to share the planning phases, technical execution, and the major takeaways from the project.

Top comments (1)

kashyappandya profile image
Kashyap Pandya

Kudos. I'll be doing the same thing soon. Looking simple and responsive. Nice work.