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Shubham Yadav
Shubham Yadav

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linux commands🐧

Types of shells

  • Bourne shell (sh shell)
  • C shell (csh shell)
  • Z shell (zsh shell)
  • Bourne again shell (bash shell)

linux commands

basic commands

  1. echo - print a string
  2. ls - list files in a directory
  3. cd - change directory
  4. pwd - print working directory
  5. mkdir - make a directory
  6. rmdir - remove a directory
  7. rm - remove a file
  8. cp - copy a file
  9. mv - move a file
  10. cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
  11. grep - search for a pattern in a file

User accounts

  1. whoami - print the name of the current user
  2. id - print the user ID of the current user
  3. sudo - run a command as root
  4. su - run a command as another user

Download files

  1. curl <url> - download a file from the internet
  2. wget <url> - download a file from the internet

Check OS version

  1. uname -a - print operating system information
  2. lsb_release -a - print operating system information

Package managers

RPM: Red Hat Package Manager

  1. rpm -i <package> - install a package
  2. rpm -e <package> - remove a package
  3. rpm -q <package> - query a package

YUM: Yum Package Manager

  1. yum install <package> - install a package
  2. yum remove <package> - remove a package
  3. yum list <package> - query a package
  4. yum repolist - list available repositories


  1. service <service> start - start a service
  2. systemctl start <service> - start a service
  3. systemctl stop <service> - stop a service
  4. systemctl status <service> - check the status of a service
  5. systemctl enable <service> - enable a service to start at boot
  6. systemctl disable <service> - disable a service to start at boot

VI editor

  1. vi <file> - open a file in vi editor
  2. to switch to insert mode: i
  3. to switch to command mode: esc
  4. to switch to visual mode: v
  5. to switch to replace mode: r
  6. to delete a character: x
  7. to delete a line: dd
  8. to delete a word: dw
  9. to copy a line: yy
  10. to paste a line: p
  11. to save a file: :wq
  12. to quit vi: :q
  13. to quit vi without saving: :wq!
  14. to quit vi and exit: :q!


  1. ifconfig - print network interface configuration
  2. route - print routing table
  3. netstat - print network statistics
  4. ping <host> - send ICMP echo request to a host
  5. traceroute <host> - trace the route to a host
  6. dig <host> - query DNS information
  7. nslookup <host> - query DNS information
  8. nmap <host> - scan a network
  9. ss - print network statistics


  1. route add -net <network> <gateway> - add a route
  2. route del -net <network> - delete a route
  3. route add -host <host> <gateway> - add a route

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