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Shubham Kumar
Shubham Kumar

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Enhancing AWS S3 Security with GuardDuty.

In today's digital era, data is the lifeblood of businesses and individuals alike. As the volume of data continues to grow exponentially, more organizations are turning to cloud solutions for scalable and reliable storage. Among these, Amazon S3 has emerged as one of the most popular and trusted data storage services.

However, while data is undeniably valuable, it also becomes a prime target for malicious activities. Ensuring the security of your data is not just an option—it's a necessity. Protecting your data from potential threats is crucial to maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of your operations.

AWS GuardDuty offers robust features for safeguarding your S3 data through two distinct protection plans:

  1. S3 Protection
  2. Malware Protection for S3

In this blog, we'll provide a brief overview of the S3 Protection plan and take a closer look at the Malware Protection for S3.

S3 Protection Plan
The S3 Protection plan within Amazon GuardDuty is designed to monitor and detect suspicious activities and potential security threats involving your S3 buckets. It emphasizes the identification of unauthorized access, data exfiltration attempts, and misconfigurations that could jeopardize your data. By analyzing access logs, API call patterns, and bucket configurations, the S3 Protection plan generates actionable alerts, enabling you to swiftly address unauthorized actions and maintain secure bucket settings. This plan plays a crucial role in safeguarding your S3 environment by continuously monitoring how your data is accessed and managed.

Malware Protection for S3
AWS recently introduced the Malware Protection for S3 feature as part of Amazon GuardDuty. This powerful tool helps detect potential malware by scanning newly uploaded objects in your selected Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. Whenever a new object or a new version of an existing object is uploaded to the designated bucket, GuardDuty automatically initiates a malware scan, providing an additional layer of security for your data.

Why should We use it?

Key Features of Malware Protection for S3

  • Seamless Integration: Integrating Malware Protection for S3 is straightforward, requiring no additional infrastructure. Simply enable the feature and select the desired S3 bucket for scanning. You can activate it through the AWS Management Console, API, CLI, CloudFormation templates, or Terraform.
  • Customizable Scanning: You have the flexibility to configure scans at the folder level by defining prefixes, allowing you to target specific areas of your S3 buckets.
  • Automatic Scans on Upload: The system automatically scans new objects as they are uploaded to your bucket, generating detailed reports within seconds.
  • Support for All File Formats: Malware Protection for S3 is versatile, supporting scans across all file formats.
  • Highly Scalable: The service is designed to scale effortlessly with your needs, ensuring consistent performance regardless of your data volume.
  • Tagging Mechanism: When enabled, the tagging feature labels each scanned object with one of the following statuses:
    • NO_THREATS_FOUND: The object is clean.
    • THREATS_FOUND: Malware has been detected.
    • UNSUPPORTED: The file format is not supported for scanning.
    • ACCESS_DENIED: The scan couldn't access the object.
    • FAILED: The scan was unsuccessful.
  • Quarantine Infected Files: Infected files are automatically quarantined in a separate S3 bucket, effectively preventing further distribution and mitigating potential threats.
  • Rapid Findings: Scan results are generated within seconds, providing swift feedback on the status of your files.
  • Contextualized Findings: The system provides detailed insights, including metadata about the S3 data, specific scan results for the object, and the category of detected malware.

How it works?

  • Architecture


When you enable Malware Protection, an EventBridge rule is automatically added to your S3 bucket. This rule triggers the scanning mechanism whenever a file is uploaded. GuardDuty then initiates a process within a dedicated, secure VPC that has no internet access. Through AWS PrivateLink, the files are securely transferred from the S3 bucket to this isolated environment. GuardDuty’s Malware Protection then scans the files using heuristic analysis and machine learning models. Once the scan is complete, the file is deleted and the scan status, along with scan metadata, is processed. The results are published via an EventBridge rule, and scan metrics are sent to CloudWatch for monitoring.

  • What It Scans

    • The system detects threats using YARA rule definitions, which are specialized patterns for identifying malicious files.
    • It has comprehensive visibility into various types of malware that may target AWS environments.
    • The detection capabilities extend to multiple types of malware, including crypto miners, ransomware and web shells.

GuardDuty Malware S3 protection Quota and Limitations:

  • Maximum S3 Object Size: Up to 5 GB per object.
  • Extracted Archive Bytes: The maximum size for extracted archive content is 5 GB.
  • Extracted Archive Files: Up to 1,000 files can be extracted from an archive for scanning.
  • Maximum Archive Depth Levels: Archives can be scanned up to a depth of 5 nested levels.
  • Maximum Protected Buckets: You can protect up to 25 S3 buckets per account.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope this guide has provided you with a clear understanding of how AWS GuardDuty's Malware Protection for S3 can effectively safeguard your data against potential threats. Implementing these security measures will enhance the protection of your S3 buckets, ensuring that your data remains secure and your cloud environment resilient.


What will happen if we upload a file of size greater than 5 GB?
The 5 GB limit is a strict threshold as of now, and it cannot be increased. If a file larger than this limit is uploaded, GuardDuty will not scan it. Additionally, if tagging is enabled, the file will be tagged as "UNSUPPORTED."

Thank you for reading our guide on AWS GuardDuty S3 Malware Protection! We hope this information helps enhance your security practices. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out at

Stay secure, and happy cloud computing!

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