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Shubham Murti
Shubham Murti

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Getting Hands On with Linux and System Operations - Week Four

Hello Community!

This week, I dived into the world of operating systems, specifically focusing on Linux. I explored various commands and tools to navigate directories, manage files, check system information, configure networks, and use package managers and text editors. Here’s what I learned:

What is Linux?

Linux is a powerful, open-source operating system widely used in servers, cloud environments, and desktops. It offers robust security, flexibility, and customization options, making it a favorite among developers and system administrators. Understanding Linux is crucial for anyone looking to excel in cloud engineering, as it forms the backbone of many cloud environments.

Working with Directories

Navigating the file system is fundamental to using Linux effectively. Here are some essential commands to manage directories:

  • pwd: Shows the current directory path.

    • When working in the terminal, pwd helps you know exactly where you are in the directory structure.
  • man: Displays the manual for other commands.

    • Use man followed by any command (e.g., man ls) to get detailed information and usage options for that command.
  • cd: Navigates between directories.

    • The cd command allows you to change your current working directory. For example, cd /home/user takes you to the user directory.
  • ls: Lists directory contents.

    • ls shows the files and directories in your current directory. Useful options include:
    • -a: Shows hidden files.
    • -l: Displays detailed information about each file.
    • -h: Shows file sizes in human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB).
  • mkdir: Creates new directories.

    • Create new directories with mkdir. The -p option lets you create parent directories as needed (e.g., mkdir -p /new/dir/path).
  • rmdir: Deletes empty directories.

    • Use rmdir to remove empty directories. If the directory contains files, use rm -rf instead.

Working with Files

Managing files efficiently is crucial for any system operation. Here are key commands for file management:

  • touch: Creates empty files or updates file timestamps.

    • touch is used to create a new empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file.
  • rm: Deletes files.

    • Remove files with rm. Use -i to prompt before each deletion and -rf to forcefully remove directories and their contents.
  • cp: Copies files or directories.

    • The cp command is used to copy files or directories. For example, cp file1 file2 copies file1 to file2.
  • mv: Moves or renames files or directories.

    • mv can move files to a different directory or rename them. For instance, mv file1 /new/dir/ moves file1 to /new/dir/.

Working with File Content

Being able to view and manipulate file contents is essential. Here are some useful commands:

  • head: Displays the beginning of a file.

    • Use head to view the first 10 lines of a file. For example, head filename shows the top of the file.
  • cat: Concatenates and displays file content.

    • cat is used to display the entire content of a file. It can also concatenate multiple files.
  • tail: Shows the end of a file.

    • tail shows the last 10 lines of a file. Useful for monitoring logs and outputs.
  • echo: Outputs the given text or variables.

    • echo prints text or variables to the terminal. For example, echo "Hello, World!" prints "Hello, World!".
  • more: Allows for paginated viewing of file content.

    • more lets you view files one screen at a time, which is useful for large files.

Linux File Structure

Understanding the hierarchical structure of Linux directories is key to efficient navigation and management. Here are some important directories:

  • /home: Contains personal directories for users.
  • /etc: Holds configuration files for the system.
  • /var: Stores variable data like logs and databases.
  • /bin: Includes essential binary executables.
  • /usr: Contains user programs and utilities.
  • /lib: Stores shared libraries needed by binaries in /bin and /sbin.

System Information Commands

Monitoring and managing system performance is crucial. Here are some commands to gather system information:

  • uptime: Shows how long the system has been running.

    • uptime provides the current time, how long the system has been running, and the load average.
  • free: Displays memory usage.

    • Use free to check memory usage. The -h option displays values in human-readable format.
  • ps: Lists currently running processes.

    • ps shows the currently running processes. Use ps aux for a detailed list.
  • df: Reports disk space usage.

    • df displays available disk space on the file system. The -h option shows it in human-readable format.
  • fdisk: Manages disk partitions.

    • fdisk is used to manipulate disk partition tables. Be cautious when using it, as incorrect usage can lead to data loss.
  • lsblk: Lists information about block devices.

    • lsblk provides a detailed list of all block devices (e.g., hard drives, partitions).
  • top/htop: Displays real-time system performance and process information.

    • top shows a real-time overview of system processes. htop is a more user-friendly version with additional features.

Network Commands

Configuring and managing network interfaces is essential for any system admin. Here are some useful network commands:

  • ifconfig: Configures and displays network interfaces.

    • ifconfig is used to configure and display network interface parameters.
  • ip: Modern replacement for ifconfig, used for IP address management and network configuration.

    • The ip command is more versatile and is used for configuring network interfaces, routing, and tunnels.

Package Manager

Managing software packages is a critical task in Linux. Here are commands related to package management:

  • sudo: Executes commands with superuser privileges.

    • Prepend sudo to any command to execute it with elevated privileges.
  • apt: Package management tool for Debian-based systems.

    • sudo apt update: Updates the package list.
    • sudo apt upgrade: Upgrades all upgradable packages.
    • sudo apt search: Searches for packages.
    • sudo apt install: Installs packages.
    • sudo apt remove: Removes packages.

Text Editors

Text editors are essential tools for editing configuration files and scripts. Here are two popular ones:

  • Nano: A simple, user-friendly text editor.

    • nano is straightforward and easy to use, ideal for beginners.
  • Vim: A powerful text editor with advanced features and capabilities.

    • vim is highly configurable and efficient for power users, though it has a steeper learning curve.


This week has been incredibly productive and enlightening. Learning to navigate and operate within the Linux environment has provided me with essential skills that are crucial for any aspiring cloud engineer. From managing files and directories to understanding network configurations and system performance, these foundational skills are key to efficient and effective system administration.

Thanks for following along on my journey! Feel free to share any tips or resources that you think might be helpful. 😊

Stay tuned for more updates next week!

Shubham Murti — Aspiring Cloud Security Engineer | Weekly Cloud Learning !!

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