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Shubhadip Bhowmik
Shubhadip Bhowmik

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Android Studio Jellyfish

Things You Need To Know In Android Studio JellyFish

Android Studio Jellyfish (version 2023.3.1) might have been released in April 2024, but it's still a powerful and feature-packed IDE for Android Developers. If you're new to Jellyfish or haven't explored all its corners, this blog is for you!

Automatic Baseline Profile Installation

Building performant apps is crucial, and Jellyfish streamlines this process. When you install your app on a device using Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.4 or higher, Jellyfish automatically generates and installs Baseline Profiles. These profiles represent the ideal performance state for your app, leading to a smoother experience during local installs and low-overhead profiling.

IntelliJ 2023.3 Platform Integration

Jellyfish leverages the power of IntelliJ 2023.3, bringing a plethora of new features to your development workflow. You'll get comprehensive support for the latest Java 21 functionalities, an intuitive floating toolbar with editing actions readily available, and a handy "Run to Cursor" inlay option in the debugger to save you time.

Enhanced Debugging

Jellyfish improves your debugging experience with features like:

  • Custom Key-Value and Logs for Crashes: Gain deeper insights into crashes by viewing custom key-value data and logs associated with each crash. This helps pinpoint the root cause of issues more effectively.
  • Investigate ANRs Directly: Analyze and address Application Not Responding (ANR) issues directly within the Android Vitals and Crashlytics tabs. No more switching between windows!

Improved Layout Inspection

The Layout Inspector in Jellyfish boasts significant performance improvements thanks to its default embedding within the running device tool window. This centralized approach allows you to seamlessly toggle between deep inspection, interact with your app's UI elements, and utilize snapshots for 3D visualizations of your layouts.

Streamlined Deep Linking

Jellyfish simplifies deep linking setup with App Link Assistance's new web association file validation feature. This helps identify and rectify errors in your deep link configuration, ensuring a smooth user experience when navigating through your app via links.

Just-in-Time Compilation

For projects that use included co-runs, Jellyfish automatically installs Baseline profiles alongside non-debug builds. This ensures the performance you experience during development using Studio reflects the performance in production.


Android Studio Jellyfish offers a multitude of enhancements for Android developers. From automatic performance optimizations to a more streamlined debugging experience, Jellyfish empowers you to build better apps faster. So, if you haven't already, dive into Jellyfish and explore the features that will take your development workflow to the next level!

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