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Code Comparison: React vs Angular

Shriram on April 16, 2023

In this blog, I would like to compare and contrast two of the most popular ways to develop UI using JavaScript out there: React and Angular. I star...
amir2mi profile image
Amir M. Mohamadi

Clearly React has cleaner syntax, my second choice after React would be Vue for sure.

dylanwatsonsoftware profile image
Dylan Watson

I don't think it's that clear cut though. React is nice but Angular's ability to separate html from typescript code is actually quite good for debugging.

It means Angular's html will be much closer to reality than React in practice.

brense profile image
Rense Bakker • Edited

Really? Html has an ng-if element?

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dylanwatsonsoftware profile image
Dylan Watson

Haha Obviously not BUT it will render just fine with it!

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mellunar profile image

I'm confused about how {submitError && <p className='product-submit-error'>{submitError}</p>} is closer to a html element than <p class='product-submit-error' *ngIf="submitError">{{submitError}}</p>

nermin_karapandzic profile image
Nermin Karapandzic

clearly you are biased, or you don't know what clean means.

amir2mi profile image
Amir M. Mohamadi

I think it's more about personal preference, as I said if I wanted to use Angular ng-fied attributes, I would go for Vue.js.

amar9312 profile image
export class HomeComponent {
    @Input() count!:number;
    @Output() setCount= new EventEmitter<number>();
  constructor() { }

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I think the class name should be ChildComponent if I am not wrong

shriram27 profile image

You're right., I have corrected it. Thank you for pointing out the error :)

innoflash profile image
Innocent Mazando

We can all be religious about our preferences but honestly Angular is top notch with it's SRP approach to problems, no wonder it's the best for wiring enterprise apps. Think React is too free style to write something that's maintainable over time

danielepecora profile image
Daniele Pecora

Can't really sympathize with react JSX mixing view with controller code. Angular has an approach that follows better the separation of concerns paradigma.

xanderselorm profile image
Alexander Selorm Kubi

You can always use hooks in react to separate your business logics. 😊

brownieboy profile image
Michael Brown

Putting stuff in separate files !== separation of concerns. Angular controllers and templates are joined at the him.

danielepecora profile image
Daniele Pecora

"...The separation of concerns is achieved using modularization, encapsulation and arrangement in software layers."

An Angular distinguishes between this aspects of a project:
-Data binding
-Dependency Injection

If this and separating the presentation layer into view and logic is not some kind of "encapsulating" then I don't know.

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

In my mind, only Svelte exists. 😎

But if Svelte didn't exist, Vue would be my choice. React seems to be the grandpa now: Shaped the future, but the future has surpassed it.

eternal21 profile image

React is great if you need to write some unmaintainable spaghetti code quickly. For anything enterprise related, that you'll actually need to support long-term Angular is the way to go.

tryagain profile image
Mohamed M.

Angular natural separation of concern make it easier to read and pick-up as a newbie

mellunar profile image

Angular looks difficult, but I found it way better to learn than the React spaghetti. After Svelte, we shouldn't even talk about React anymore.