DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you use PNPM? If yes why?

shrihari profile image
Shrihari Mohan • Edited

Hey just a doubt regarding PNPM ?

We at our company uses NPM on Angular ( Pretty Big Project ). That takes like 30 MINUTES for production build.

Is it possible to reduce build time when using PNPM , just wondereing.

nikfp profile image
Nik F P

It should help speed your builds up, but it's not going to be a magic bullet. It will help with downloading and resolving dependencies, but any compiling, code transforms, test runs, etc. probably won't change much, if at all. So your gains won't be drastic with pnpm alone.

It sounds like what you need is a tool like Nx or Turborepo. Both tools allow you to define builds in steps and cache steps as you go, and I'm pretty sure both allow for cached steps to be shared between dev and ci environments also. (I know turborepo does) These tools are designed for monorepo's though so if you have a monolith going, you might need to tease some modules into separate packages to see a real benefit. I've been hearing a LOT about both on the podcast circuit but haven't tried either on my own yet.

shrihari profile image
Shrihari Mohan • Edited

Hey Nik , thanks !