DEV Community

Discussion on: Adding Remote Shortcuts to Git

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha

Nice, I didn't know you could do that natively. I've been using hub aliased as git and it does this as well as some other cool stuff.

hoelzro profile image
Rob Hoelz

Neat! What other kinds of cool stuff does hub do?

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha

It provides a pull-request and fork, commands that do what you'd expect them to. It gives you ci-status which returns the CI status for a given commit. release and issue commands can be used to access those Github features from within the command line. create sets up your repo on Github, browse opens the Github page for the current repo and there's compare which I haven't used much, really.

Overall, it's awesome.