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Shiv Iyer
Shiv Iyer

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Troubleshooting ClickHouse Performance from Execution Plan


ClickHouse is a popular open-source columnar database management system that is known for its high-performance capabilities. However, even the best systems can sometimes experience performance issues. When it comes to troubleshooting performance in ClickHouse, one valuable tool is the execution plan. The execution plan provides insights into how queries are executed and can help identify bottlenecks and areas for optimization. In this blog post, we will explore how to effectively use the execution plan to troubleshoot performance issues in ClickHouse.

Understanding the Execution Plan

The execution plan in ClickHouse is a description of how a query will be executed. It provides detailed information about the order in which operations will be performed and the resources that will be used. By analyzing the execution plan, you can gain a deeper understanding of the query's performance characteristics and identify potential areas for improvement.

To access the execution plan, you can use the EXPLAIN statement before executing a query. This will display the execution plan in a structured format, allowing you to analyze it and make informed decisions about query optimization.

Analyzing the Execution Plan

Once you have obtained the execution plan, it's time to analyze it and identify potential performance issues. Here are a few key factors to consider:

  1. Data Locality: Check if the execution plan utilizes data locality effectively. Data locality refers to the ability of a query to utilize the data that is already present on a specific node or shard. If the execution plan shows that data is being transferred unnecessarily between nodes, it could indicate a potential performance bottleneck.
  2. Join Operations: Look for join operations in the execution plan and analyze how they are being executed. Join operations can be resource-intensive, especially if they involve large tables or complex conditions. If the execution plan shows inefficient join operations, consider optimizing them by adding appropriate join keys or using denormalization techniques.
  3. Filtering and Aggregation: Examine the filtering and aggregation operations in the execution plan. These operations can significantly impact query performance. If the execution plan shows excessive filtering or aggregation, consider optimizing them by using appropriate indexes or pre-aggregating data.


The execution plan is a valuable tool for troubleshooting performance issues in ClickHouse. By understanding and analyzing the execution plan, you can identify potential bottlenecks and make informed decisions about query optimization. Remember to consider factors like data locality, join operations, and filtering/aggregation when analyzing the execution plan. With the insights gained from the execution plan, you can optimize your queries and improve the overall performance of your ClickHouse database.

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