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Shiva Ramakrishnan
Shiva Ramakrishnan

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Task 3

There are two types of software testing: functional testing and non-functional testing. Both types of testing concentrate on various facets of a system. With some instances in simple English, let's dissect their distinctions.

Tests for functionality:

Verification of the software's compliance with the requirements is done through functional testing. It concentrates on the actions taken by the system, verifying that its intended functions are carried out accurately. The outputs produced for specific inputs and the system's general behaviour are the focus of functional testing.

  1. Input and Output Testing: - Consider yourself evaluating an internet calculator. After entering numbers and operators, you do computations and verify that the outcomes fit your expectations. This guarantees accurate execution of the calculator's fundamental operations.

  2. User Interface Examining: - Checking that buttons, links, and forms function as intended is a part of functional testing for e-commerce applications. For example, the item you have selected should be added to your shopping cart when you click the "Add to Cart" button.

  3. Example: - Database Testing: When testing a login system, functional testing entails confirming that users can log in with valid information and that user credentials are correctly maintained in the database.

  4. Incorporation Testing: - Functional testing ensures that a system's many modules communicate with one another smoothly. Integration testing in a social media application makes sure that a message posted by a user updates both their profile and their followers' feeds.

  5. API Testing:* - Take into consideration a weather app that obtains information from a third-party source. Functional testing verifies whether user inputs are used to correctly retrieve and display weather information in the application.

The purpose of functional testing
Ensuring the software fulfils the criteria and carries out its intended functions accurately is the main objective. It emphasizes the "what"—that is, what the system is meant to accomplish.

Testing That Isn't Functional:

Aspects unrelated to particular behaviours or functions are assessed through non-functional testing. Rather, it evaluates the system's attributes including dependability, security, performance, and usability. Non-functional testing examines the effectiveness of the system's operation rather than its functionality.

  1. Evaluation of Performance: - Assume you utilize an internet banking program. Performance testing determines how well the system manages many users at once. When numerous users are logging into their accounts at once, does it react quickly?

  2. Example: - Usability Testing: Usability testing determines whether a mobile app's user interface is intuitive. Can users complete things like purchasing or changing settings on the app with ease of use?

  3. Stability Assessment: - Reliability testing guarantees that, in the event of a significant load, an airline reservation system won't crash or give false results. Even at busy times, users should be able to consistently book flights.

  4. Testing for Security: - Security testing evaluates the degree to which sensitive data is protected in an online payment system. To prevent unwanted access, it verifies that user data—especially payment information—is handled securely.

  5. Checking for Scalability: -Think of a social media network. Scalability testing assesses how smoothly the system expands as new users sign up. Will it continue to function normally as more people use it, or will it become slower?

Aim of Non-Functional Examination:
In terms of performance, usability, dependability, and other quality features, non-functional testing seeks to verify that the program satisfies specific requirements. The "how" is the main focus, including the system's functionality, security, and dependability.

Principal Distinctions:

  • Functional Testing: focuses on the functions and behaviours of the system.
    • Non-Functional Testing: Concentrates on the reliability, usability, and other quality features of the system in addition to its overall performance.
  1. Models:
    Input and output testing, user interface testing, database testing, integration testing, and API testing are all included in functional testing.
    The category of Non-Functional Testing include scalability, security, usability, dependability, and performance testing.

  2. Aim:

    • Functional Testing: Verifies that the program executes its intended functions accurately.
    • Non-Functional Testing: To make sure the program satisfies specific standards for performance, usability, dependability, and other quality features.

In conclusion, functional testing verifies that the program performs as intended, and non-functional testing evaluates the software's effectiveness. In order to create software that not only satisfies the requirements but also works effectively, is dependable, safe, and easy to use, both kinds of testing are essential.

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