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Brian Berns
Brian Berns

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F# Tip 3: Recursive sequence expressions

F# sequence expressions are a great way to generate data in a loop. A simple sequence expression like this generates square numbers:

// 1, 4, 9, ...
seq {
    for i in 1 .. 10 do
        yield i * i
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Often, however, we need to process a hierarchical data structure instead of working through a simple for loop. It turns out that sequence expressions can handle this as well.

For example, let's say that we have a snippet of HTML and we want to extract each node's text. So, for this HTML:

    before the spans
    <span>inside the first span</span>
    between the spans
    <span>inside the second span</span>
    after the spans
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We want to generate output that looks like this:

div: before the spans + between the spans + after the spans
span: inside the first span
span: inside the second span
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Note that the output for each node contains text from only that node, not its children. How can we do this in F#?

Using the HtmlAgilityPack, we can extract the text from a given node like this:

let toSeqSafe (items : seq<_>) =
    if isNull items then Seq.empty
    else items

let getNodeText (node : HtmlNode) =
    let texts =
            |> toSeqSafe
            |> (fun node -> node.InnerText)
    String.Join(" + ", texts)
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Now we can use a sequence expression to process an entire hierarchy recursively:

let rec getHierarchyText node =
        let text = getNodeText node
        if text <> "" then
            yield node, text

        for child in node.ChildNodes do
            yield! getHierarchyText child
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Inside the loop, we first yield the text for the current node, then yield! the sub-sequence generated by each child node. F# automatically concatenates all the sequences together for us!

We can test drive the function like this:

let doc = HtmlDocument()
use rdr =
    new StringReader(
            before the spans\
            <span>inside the first span</span>\
            between the spans\
            <span>inside the second span</span>\
            after the spans\

for (node, text) in getHierarchyText doc.DocumentNode do
    printfn "%s: %s" node.Name text
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This pattern of a yield followed by a recursive yield! is something that I find comes up often when processing hierarchies. I hope it's useful for you as well.

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