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Usability vs Security: What a Password Game Taught Me

Hello πŸ‘‹, community! Today, I want to discuss a subject that's at the heart of cybersecurity: passwords. I recently played a game called "The Password Game" which humorously (and somewhat frustratingly) shows the player the many rules that could be applied to create a "secure" password. While the game is amusing, it also sheds light on a very real issue: the trade-off between usability and security in password management.

The Game

The Password Game (find it here) offers an escalating set of rules for creating what it considers a secure password. I made it to level 15, where a chess move completely baffled me. But the journey was eye-opening. Some of the rules included:

Your password must include a number.
Your password must include an uppercase letter.
Your password must include a special character.
The digits in your password must add up to 25.
Your password must include a month of the year.
... and so on, up to including a chess move and even a leap year!

The Trade-Off

While the game is hilarious, it demonstrates the challenges in setting up secure yet usable password policies. If you followed all of its rules, you'd theoretically create a secure passwordβ€”but would you remember it?

The Usability Problem

Creating a unique and strong password for every service we use can be overwhelming. Many people either reuse passwords or go for the simple ones that are easy to remember but also easily guessable. The downside? Once one account gets breached, all accounts using that password are compromised.

The Security Problem

As cybersecurity professionals, we understand the risks of weak passwords and the vulnerabilities they introduce. We could mandate highly complex passwords, but if the requirements are too extreme, we risk discouraging users from using the service in the first place.

Possible Solutions

Password Managers

One approach to solving this problem is to use a password manager. However, even that comes with its caveats. For instance, you have to create a robust yet memorable master password. Lose that, and you lose access to all your stored passwords.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Implementing multi-factor authentication can add an additional layer of security, making it harder for attackers even if they have the password.


The Password Game, despite its humor, raises an important issue we often overlook. The quest for robust cybersecurity often conflicts with the need for ease of use. Striking a balance is challenging but crucial for both service providers and users. I discovered this game while enrolled in the CS50 Cybersecurity course on edX, and it's an excellent resource for diving deeper into these issues.

So, what are your thoughts on this trade-off? How do you find the balance between usability and security in your projects or daily life?

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