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Shaswatha Thilaka Dhanabalan
Shaswatha Thilaka Dhanabalan

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Dynamic Programming : The Real Game

Dynamic Programming: A Complete Roadmap for Cracking Coding Interviews


  • What is Dynamic Programming?
    • Brief introduction to DP and its significance in coding interviews.
    • Common DP applications in real-world problems.
    • Why DP is often considered challenging and how this roadmap simplifies it.


  • Basic Concepts You Should Know Before Diving Into DP:
    • Recursion and Backtracking
    • Time and Space Complexity
    • Understanding Memoization and Tabulation
    • Basic Mathematical Concepts (like Fibonacci sequence, combinatorics)


Section 1: Introduction to Dynamic Programming

1.1. Understanding the Basic Concepts

  • Theory:
    • Definition and importance of DP
    • Overlapping Subproblems and Optimal Substructure
  • LeetCode Problems:

1.2. Classical DP Problems:

  • Theory:
    • Steps to identify if a problem can be solved using DP.
    • Bottom-up vs Top-down approaches.
  • LeetCode Problems:

Section 2: Intermediate Dynamic Programming

2.1. 1D DP Problems

  • Theory:
    • Understanding state transition and the role of variables.
  • LeetCode Problems:

2.2. 2D DP Problems

2.3. Subset and Knapsack Problems

Section 3: Advanced Dynamic Programming

3.1. Advanced Techniques:

3.2. Advanced Problems & Mixed Topics:

Section 4: Dynamic Programming Patterns and Tips

4.1. DP Patterns

  • Theory:
    • Identifying common DP patterns.
  • Examples:
    • Knapsack, Subsequence, Palindromic, Grid-based, etc.

4.2. Tips for Interviews

  • Theory:
    • How to discuss DP problems in interviews.
    • Common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Section 5: Final Preparations

5.1. Practicing Mixed Problems

5.2. Mock Interviews and Resources


  • Summary:
    • Recap the importance of mastering DP.
    • Emphasize consistency in practice.
    • Final words of encouragement for the upcoming interviews.

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