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Mohammed Nadeem Shareef
Mohammed Nadeem Shareef

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From Rejections to Readiness: A Developer's Appeal for Work

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well.

I wanted to share my current journey with you. I’ve been searching for a software developer job for the past few months. Despite securing a few interviews, the lengthy processes often resulted in rejections or loss of interest.

With 2 years of experience working as a software developer. I am now open to both freelance and full-time opportunities. I’m even willing to work pro bono (free) for the right project.

You might wonder, why work for free? The truth is, I’m passionate about keeping my skills sharp, and working on real-time projects is the best way to do that.

I specialize in frontend development and have strong proficiency in ReactJS, NextJS, TypeScript, and the entire React ecosystem.

If you have any projects or work that you think I can assist with, please reach out. I’m eager to contribute and collaborate.

Thank you!

This is shareef
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Top comments (2)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Good luck Shareef.

shareef profile image
Mohammed Nadeem Shareef
