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sharath mohan
sharath mohan

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Setup Prettier with Vite & VS Code

Lets face it code formatting is real pain, specially when working on shared projects. Fortunately we have got prettier to solve this problem. This is article is a short guide for setting up prettier in Visual Studio Code, But IDE would do.

What's Prettier?

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter, for many languages,like Javacript, CSS, JSX.. (mostly all client side tools) and also can be extended to other languages with community plugins

Time to setup

I will scaffold a quick react typescript project using vite.

npm create vite@latest
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Install prettier

Install prettier as a dev dependency, this helps us to configure prettier on a per page project

npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier
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Create file name .prettierrc.json

This will act as the configuration file for prettier. It can be configured using json, YAML or javascript I will be using json


    "tabWidth": 2,
    "semi": true,
    "singleQuote": true,
    "arrowParens": "avoid"
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This would format the code by using a tab space of 2, adding semi colons at the end of all line endings, using single quotes instead of double, and omits parathesis in arrow functions whenever possible

More rules can be found Rules

now you can run prettier using

npx prettier --write .
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Great!, but can still do better, instead of manually running the configuration we can setup our IDE/Text Editor to help us out.

I am giving the guide for VS Code

Install the prettier extension

VS code extension

Open Settings

You can quickly configure the settings by using settings.json file

Press CMD+OPTION+P or CTRL+ALT+P and type in open settings json


  "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
  "editor.formatOnPaste": true,
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,

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This will use the formatting option as prettier and follow the configuration set in the configuration file created earlier and also apply formatting when you save or paste a code.

Bam !!

But what if you need to ignore certain files from formatting say the package-lock.json or the dist/build files. That where .prettierignore comes into play

Create a file called .prettierignore. This works similar to .gitignore and you can follow the same setup

Hope you guys loved it. This is the first part of setting up a good DX using Vite and React. eventually reaching this template.

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Top comments (2)

salvasvip profile image
Salvador Vilca

amazing bro ty

zunayeds profile image
Zunayed Shahriar

Simple and easy. Thanks.