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Shaogat Alam
Shaogat Alam

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SelectPaginated: Handle Millions of Options Quickly and Efficiently.

Hello everyone,

I'd like to introduce SelectPaginated, a paginated select component for React that can handle large datasets and provide API call and pagination functionality.

The key features of SelectPaginated include:

  • Large Dataset Handling: By fetching data in small, manageable chunks and utilizing local storage to cache the fetched data, SelectPaginated effectively handles large datasets without compromising performance.

  • API Call Integration: The component seamlessly integrates API calls, allowing you to fetch data from external sources and present it to your users.

  • Pagination: SelectPaginated incorporates pagination functionality, enabling your users to navigate through large datasets with ease.

  • Local Storage Support: The component uses the browser's local storage to persist the fetched data, reducing the need for repeated API calls and improving the overall user experience.

  • Static Data Support: SelectPaginated also supports the use of static data, providing flexibility in the way you handle your application's data requirements.

To install the select-paginated package, you can use the following command:

  • npm i select-paginated

npmjs - select-paginated


import React from 'react'
import SelectPaginated from 'select-paginated';

function Test() {
    const options = [
        { id: 1, name: 'Option 1', description: 'This is the first option' },
        { id: 2, name: 'Option 2', description: 'This is the second option' }

  return (
          // Provide `options` prop when `api` prop is not being used

          // Provide `api` prop when `options` prop is not being used
                resourceUrl: "",
                pageParamKey: "_page", 
                limitParamKey: "_limit",
                // Final endpoint: ""
            onSelect={(selectedItems) => {
                console.log('selected items :: ', JSON.stringify(selectedItems));
            onRemove={(removedItem) => {
                console.log('Removed items :: ', JSON.stringify(removedItem));

export default Test
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options(array,required when api prop is not provided )

  • Description: An array of pre-defined options to be used instead of fetching data from an API.This can be particularly useful for small dataset, static datasets or for data that is already available on the client side.
  • Example :
    • Simple linear array - [ "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", // ...more items],
    • Array of objects - [ { id: 1, name: "Item 1" }, { id: 2, name: "Item 2" }, // ...more items ]

pageSize(number,default:50) :

  • The number of items to show and fetch(in-case of fetching data) per page.

isLinearArray(boolean,default:false) :

  • Set {true} when :
    • The fetched data or value of options prop is a simple linear array of primitive values (e.g., strings, numbers).
    • No displayKey is needed.
    • Example: ["item1", "item2", "item3"]
  • Set {false} when:

    • The fetched data or value of options prop is an array of objects.
    • A displayKey must be specified to indicate which property to display. c. Example:
        {"name": "id labore ex et quam laborum","email": "",},
        {"name": "quo vero reiciendis velit similique earum","email": ""},
  • In this case, set displayKey to the property you want to display, e.g., "email".

displayKey(string,default:'name',required only when isLinearArray is false) :

  • Description : Specifies the property of the objects in the array to be displayed.
    For instance, consider the following response from an API:

        {"name": "id labore ex et quam laborum","email": "",},
        {"name": "quo vero reiciendis velit similique earum","email": ""},
    • To display the "email" field, set displayKey to "email".

api(object,required when options prop is not provided) :

  • Properties :

    • resourceUrl (string, required):
      • The URL from which data will be fetched.
    • pageParamKey (string, optional, default: "_page") :
      • This is the query parameter key used by your backend API to specify the page number. It should match what your backend expects for pagination.Common defaults include "page", "pageNumber", "p".
      • Example : If pageParamKey is set to "page", the API request URL might include ?page=1, ?page=2, etc.
    • limitParamKey (string, optional, default: "_limit") :
      • This is the query parameter key used by your backend API to specify the number of items per page. Similar to pageParamKey, it should align with your backend's pagination configuration. Common defaults include "limit", "pageSize", "size".
      • Example: If limitParamKey is set to "size", the API request URL might include ?size=10, ?size=20, etc.

onSelect (function, optional) :

  • A callback function invoked when items are selected.

onRemove (function, optional) :

  • A callback function invoked when items are removed.

multiSelect (boolean, optional, default: true) :

  • Enables or disables multi-selection mode.

searchPlaceholder (string, optional, default: "Search...") :

  • Placeholder text for the search input field.

localStorageKey (string, optional, default: "SelectFetchedData") :

  • The unique key used to store data in local storage for persistence.

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